Product Description
The Hexayurt is an open source technology designed to replace tents. The Hexayurt can be mass manufactured in factories or field-fabricated with semi-skilled labor.
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Any organization that wishes to manufacturer the components as it's an open source technology.
Manufacturing/Building Method
Designed to be manufactured at any scale, large or small.
Intellectural Property Type
Select Type
User Provision Model
Manufacturing sites around the world. Since the Hexayurt design is open source, it has the capacity to be adapted by outside organizations. The goal is to have the design adopted by companies after disasters, so that those companies can temporarily mass produce the Hexayurt to accomodate the people in need before returning to production of their standard products.
Distributions to Date Status
A few thousand. Interview with representative
Speed of assembly (h)
4 hours
Footprint area (m²)
Internal volume (m³)
Material composition
cloth, wood, plastic, polyiso insulation, OSB, sandwich panels, carrdboard
Lifespan (years)
5 years
Maximum snow load (kg/m²)
Maximum wind speed (km/h)
64 km/h
Design Specifications
Varying size, uses standard 1.2 x 2.4 meter panels (6 panels are cut into triangles for the roof, 6 more become the walls.
Pieces can be connected with strong tape, glue, or nails and screws and guyed like a tent.
Technical Support
All of the designs and technical information are available online at Appropedia.
Replacement Components
All of the necessary materials can be found almost anywhere in the world.
3 - 20 year lifecycle. No warranty or disposal guidance, since some of the suggested materials are plastic and should simply be discarded in the trash or reused for another Hexayurt.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
No human can live in housing of a lower standard than a Hexayurt.Interview with representative
Vetted Performance Status
Hexayurt can be constructed into any shape. SAIT Polytechnic conducted a study on 2 different geodesic dome designs: Quad-Dome and Tri-Dome. All of the performance data vary by design, including maximum wind load, pressure gradient, amount of material used, etc. Full report details available here.
Complementary Technical Systems
Solar panels, shelter kits, and floor mats all have the potential to enhance this technology. Any item that would enhance a typical household would most likely be beneficial to the Hexayurt.Interview with representative
Academic Research and References
“The Analysis and Construction of a Nearodesic Tri-Dome”, Andrew Maxwell, Tracy Suskin, Ying Yang, SAIT Polytechnic. not peer reviewed
Compliance with regulations
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