Updated on February 22, 2024


Created on August 27, 2015

Wakati One

Upcoming Update

Wakati is a solar-powered cooler for fruits and vegetables.

Developed By
  1. Wakati
Tested By
  • The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC)
  • University of Antwerp
  • University of Leuven – KU Leuven
Content Partners


Product Description

Wakati One is a preservation technique for fruits and vegetables in developing countries. Keeping the quality of the crops is essential for expanding both the local market and the highly profitable export market, both drive local economies. With 45% of the crops that end up as waste (UN FAO) there is a lot of room to increase productivity, especially in countries like Kenya and Tanzania. Interview with inventor

Target SDGs

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Market Suggested Retail Price


Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Household, Community, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, NGOs

Distributors / Implementing Organizations


Competitive Landscape

Direct competitors include Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage (PICS) Bags.

Manufacturing/Building Method

Prototyped using Fused Deposition Modeling process with stereolithography. A final master was created for a silicone mould. Vacuum casting was used to create a run of 120 units.

Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

Wakati is currently in pre-production. The organization aimed to start production after the summer of 2015. Distributors are NGOs, social enterprises and agricultural wholesales Interview with inventor. As of 2020, interested parties can become ambassadors and purchase the product.

Distributions to Date Status

At least 150 units have been sold.

Storage capacity (L)


Time to cool (hr)


Cooling retention (hr)

192 hrs

Temperature control


Minimum internal temperature (°C)


Materials of construction

Tarp, photovoltaic solar-powered fan and water tray evaporator

Protection from insect entry


Refrigeration cycle catalyst


Design Specifications

The Wakati consists of a tent-like structure with a 10-watt, photovoltaic solar-powered fan and water tray evaporator inside. A ventilator powered by a 10-watt solar panel gradually evaporates 1 L of water per week, generating a humid environment within the tent that keeps cells intact and prevents mold and fungi from spreading. Each tent is capable of preserving up to 1,000 kilograms of produce for up to eight days, greatly reducing potential food waste and giving farmers more time to sell their crops. Moreover, the tarp packaging of the Wakati can be stored and used at any point to mend ruptures that may form in the tent. The optimal use of Wakati One is outside, in a warm and dry climate.

Product Schematics

Wakati One's fan overlaid on a picture of the tent

Technical Support

Wakati representative

Replacement Components

Contact the manufacturer for replacement components.


The tarp packaging of the Wakati can be stored and used at any point to mend ruptures that may form in the tent.

Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

The designers aim to have their product rely completely on solar energy and preserve up to 1,000 kilograms of produce for up to 8 days.

Vetted Performance Status

The Wakati system performance was tested by University of Leuven - KU Leuven for a period of 10 days. Results are shown in the chart.



Complementary Technical Systems


Academic Research and References

Olosunde, W.A., Aremu, A.K., Onwude, D.I., 2016. Development of a solar powered evaporative cooling storage system for tropical fruits and vegetables. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40(2), pp. 279-290.

Mansuri, S.M., Sharma, P.K., Samuel, D.V.K., 2016. Solar powered evaporative cooled storage structure for storage of fruits and vegetables. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(7), pp. 916-922.

Compliance with regulations


Other Information

Antwerp students place second in biomimicry contest. Cordaid distributes the product. The target user groups are fruit and vegetable producing smallholders, with special attention for female farmers. Post-harvest losses are a concern for everyone making a living of fresh crops in developing countries and is becoming a key focus of many NGOs. Beside the NGOs, agricultural wholesalers are the other key customers, as they have a direct line to almost every small-holder farmer in developing countries, of which 247 million live in a dry climate suitable for Wakati. Product was Prototyped using Fused Deposition Modeling. Manufacturer's Contact  

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