Updated on September 28, 2019


Created on September 28, 2019

The GreenCast Turf App

Upcoming Update

The GreenCast Turf is a mobile application that calculates product dosage, water volume, and number of spray tanks for appropriate pest control and environmental stewardship.

Developed By Unknown
Content Partners


Product Description

The GreenCast Turf App is a mobile application supported by Android and Apple smartphones and tablets. The app was designed to support tank-mixing calculations for pest control dosage and keeps records for pest spray applications. For tank mixing calculations, users input sprayer details including tank size, spraying volume, driving speed and acreage specific to their location. To support sharing, reports are shared through email in PDF and CSV formats. These reports include date and time of applications, driving speed, weather conditions during applications, nozzle details, active ingredients used quality and more.


Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

The mobile application can be downloaded on Google Play and Apple App Store

Manufacturing/Building Method

Mobile application development

Intellectural Property Type

Open Source

User Provision Model

Users can download the mobile app from Google Play and Apple App store

Distributions to Date Status

The app has over 800 downloads and from a survey done, over 100 Greenkeepers, Course Managers, agronomists and sprayer operators had already registered to receive a priority early download of the app.  

Design Specifications

The mobile application was developed to record spray application and generate reports, improve efficiency of record keeping and reporting and supports tank-mixing calculations. For the tank-mixing calculations, the app allows users to input sprayers details including tank size, spraying volume, driving speed and acreage specific to their location.  The app then generates a specific tank filling plan including water volume and product then saves the calculations for future reference. The reports generated by the app can be shared through email as PDF and CSV files. Syngenta has also partnered with Canadian superintendents as a tool to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of golf course operations.

Technical Support

Technical support is provided by the designers on their website.

Replacement Components




Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

The mobile application was developed to record spray application and generate reports, improve efficiency of record keeping and reporting, and support tank-mixing calculations for pesticide applications.

Vetted Performance Status

Testing of the mixing sequence was done by the designers on their website, they found that the mobile application technology delivers more and accurate results. The survey findings also showed that over 80% would use a mobile-device app for record keeping, 90% of operators have access to smartphone technology on the course, 78% did not find existing recording systems quick or easy, manual book or paper files are used by 96% of courses, and over 80% of operators make up tank mixes.


Potential hazards related to the operation of this app including misleading figures in calculation of tank mixing may lead to accidental burning or spill-overs.

Complementary Technical Systems


Academic Research and References

Hall, R. J., Goatley, M. and Zipper, C. E., 2018, Establishment and Maintenance of Quality Turfgrass on Surface-Mined Land, Virginia Cooperative Extension, 460-127, Virginia State University.

Compliance with regulations


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