Updated on January 10, 2024


Created on November 17, 2019

Okra Pod

Upcoming Update

The Okra Pod is an off-grid solar energy system that shares power with multiple households.

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Product Description

The Okra Pod is a solar home system that is designed to be shared among multiple households, reducing the amount of wasted power produced, the initial capital expenditure, and frequency of blackouts. It is developed by Okra Solar and is currently in its seed funding stage.

The Okra Pod has some direct competition from new communal solar farms or gardens, however it’s innovative competitive advantage is its ability to integrate with existing solar micro grids, and share the power among many users.

Target SDGs

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Target Users (Target Impact Group)


Distributors / Implementing Organizations

The Okra Pod is currently in its testing phase across nine sites. The manufacturer states that will be available for market purchase soon.

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