Updated on January 19, 2024


Created on October 22, 2020


Upcoming Update

Nucleario is a pest management device for trees that provides controlled release of rainwater and physical protection from weeds and pests.

Developed By
  1. Nucleário
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Product Description

The Nucleario is a biodegradable ring that can protect tree saplings. The device provides a controlled release of rainwater and a barrier to protect the saplings from weeds and leaf-cutting ants.

Target SDGs

SDG 15: Life on Land

Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Household, Community

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

Beta version will be released from manufacturer

Manufacturing/Building Method

This product is currently in the prototyping phase and not yet manufactured at scale.

Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

This product is currently in the prototype phase and is about to launch a beta version.

Distributions to Date Status

This product is currently in the prototyping phase and not yet manufactured at scale.

Design Specifications

The Nucleario product is comprised of a biodegradable plastic ring that is placed around a tree sapling. The device collects rainwater and provides a controlled release of water for the sapling through holes in the bottom. The walls of the device protect the sapling from leaf cutter ants entering the ring. The Nucleario ring prevents weed growth around the sapling and protects the surrounding soil.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Provided by the manufacturer

Replacement Components



On average, seedling development varies from 1 year to 3 years after planting.. Product can be recycled at the end of its use period

Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

The designers specify that the device can provide a controlled release of rainwater, protect a tree sapling from ants and weeds, and protect the soil surrounding the sapling.

Vetted Performance Status



No known safety hazards are related to this product.

Complementary Technical Systems


Academic Research and References

Pinto, S.R., Melo, F., Tabarelli, M., Padovesi, A., Mesquita, C.A., de Mattos Scaramuzza, C.A., Castro, P., Carrascosa, H., Calmon, M., Rodrigues, R. and César, R.G., 2014, “Governing and delivering a biome-wide restoration initiative: The case of Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact in Brazil”, Forests, 5(9), pp. 2212-2229.

Mittermeier, R.A., Da Fonseca, G.A., Rylands, A.B. and Brandon, K., 2005, “A brief history of biodiversity conservation in Brazil, Conservation Biology”, 19(3), pp. 601-607.

Compliance with regulations


Other Information

Nucleario has earned several awards, including the Ray of Hope Prize 2018, Biomimicry Global Design Challenge 2017, BraunPrize 2012, RedDot 2012, Desafio Ambiental WWF-Brasil 2017, GreenDot 2012, IDSA 2012, and IdeaBrasil 2012. Gallery manufacturer Innovative forest restoration technology  

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