On a bike ride in Uganda, William Peterson shot pictures of bicycles. Broken bicycles, bike rentals, bike repair, bicycles stacked to teetering heights with jerry cans, motorbikes and fishing boats. The result is a study in transportation in the country and the surprising and inventive ways that people use their transportation.
Peterson works on water and transportation projects as a civil engineer at URS Corporation in Balitimore, Mariland. The bike ride was a cross-country event to raise money for Bicycles Against Poverty, a Ugandan organization that finances the purchase of bikes for people who need them.
“In the ride across Uganda it was amazing to see the resourcefulness and passion for life in the people we met along our journey. Biking provided us the ability to see a huge distance, but also the chance to interact with people along the way and get a great feeling for the spirit of the nation,” Peterson told E4C.
This is a selection of photos from the shoot. For the complete set, please see our Flickr photo gallery.
All of these photos are by William Peterson and posted with his permission.

Bike brake

Wheel repair


Water errand


Riders for Bicycles Against Poverty


Boda boda repairs

Bike shop supplies

Fishing on the Nile