Updated on June 27, 2024


Created on September 10, 2020


Upcoming Update

MamaBird is a drone used to transport medical supplies and food to mothers giving birth in remote areas of Malawi.

Developed By
  1. MamaBird
Tested By
Content Partners


Product Description

MamaBird is a drone solution intended to transport medical supplies and food to mothers giving birth in remote areas of Malawi in Africa. The product aims to provide opportunities for women to interact with drone technology while providing basic medical supplies. As of September 2020, the product is in the prototype stage. 

There is no information on the drone price, but some details are available for the price of the service: for one Clean Birth Kit 5.29 USD containing soap, medicine and sanitizer. Other proposed kits include food for the newborn and basic equipment.

Target SDGs

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Household, NGOs

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

Save the Children is partnering with the manufacturer for a pilot case

Competitive Landscape

Direct competitors include Zipline.

Manufacturing/Building Method

This product is currently in the prototyping phase and not yet manufactured at scale.

Intellectural Property Type

Select Type

User Provision Model

The users order the delivery of the medical kit and track it via an app.

Distributions to Date Status


Devices/Products delivered

Medical supplies, food for newborns

Maximum payload dimensions (LxWxH, m)

Size of a checked-in luggage, no exact dimensions available

Maximum payload mass (kg)

10 to 20 kg

Maximum speed (kph)


Radius of Transport (km)

60 km

Design Specifications

Mamabird is a drone for delivery of medical kits for women giving birth. The drones deliver ready-to-use therapeutic food and high energy nutrition bags that can address undernutrition for a child during the critical first 1000 days of his or her life. The same drones can also carry clean birth kits containing the basic items for sanitary conditions for birth, i.e. soap, a sterile blade to cut the umbilical cord and a clamp, pads, and wipes. These supplies are sent out to rural health centres where health worker provide care and instructions to mothers and expecting mothers. The drone has a payload of 10 to 20 kg and can achieve a range of 60 km. The users get a training on interacting with the drone and send it back once they pick up the shipment.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Training is provided to the users

Replacement Components




Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

Every village, no matter how remote should have access to the most basic level of care so that one day the mothers and children that receive aid no longer require it. Drones are more efficient than vans or cars as they fly shorter distances in straight lines and will not face issues with the infrastructure.

Vetted Performance Status

Tests are still being conducted, no shared results yet. The manufacturer is currently waiting for operational feedback.


No known safety hazards are related to this product

Complementary Technical Systems

A tablet to track the drone

Academic Research and References

Scott, J. E., Scott, C. H., 2017, “Drone Delivery Models for Healthcare,” Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Compliance with regulations

Compliance with drone regulation from the government of Malawi

Evaluation methods

Flight Test

Other Information

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