2019 Research Report

Review insights from the research conducted by our staff and Fellows in 2019



        Report Overview

In 2019, during the E4C Fellowship program, fifteen Fellows from ten countries conducted the ten Research Collaborations featured in this report. The 2019 Research Collaborations range from analysis of digital identity solutions (page 5) to landscape analysis of the social entrepreneurship environment in Tunisia (page 9) and India (page 6). Furthermore, Fellows developed a stakeholder and trend analysis of household water treatment technologies in Colombia (page 7) and a review of sustainability features in digital simulation tools to highlight opportunities for more sustainable design methods (page 11).

Fellows reviewed the state of Engineering for Global Development (EGD) academic programs and institutions in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (page 4). A report based on expert interviews describes in detail the growth of the Humanitarian Engineering sector in Australia (page 9) and role of women in social innovation in the MENA region (page 8).  Full reports are available on the E4C platform on the Research Reports page. The investigations in this report represent the global perspectives of a unique combinations of future leaders in engineering for sustainable development.



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