Circular Plastics Challenge

Join to propose industry-shifting ideas to keep plastics in the economy and out of the environment.

About the Circular Plastics Challenge

We need innovative leaders like you to imagine how we can craft a truly circular economy! Industry-leading companies are eager for fresh, out-of-the-box thinking to push the plastics industry to become more circular, at scale. Net Impact’s Circular Plastics Challenge calls upon innovators, systems-thinkers, and practitioners from all walks of life and levels of study to consider:

How might we develop a business concept that leverages artificial intelligence at any point within the plastics value chain (whether pre-consumer, during consumer use, or post-consumer) in order to maximize circularity throughout the plastic value chain? 

Up to five teams will be selected as finalists in the Circular Plastics Challenge. Finalist teams will be paired with a subject matter expert mentor to refine and prepare their presentation ahead of the finals. Finalist teams will present their solution to a panel of expert judges at the virtual Final Showcase event. The first place team will receive the $5,000 USD grand prize, with second and third place teams taking home $2,500 USD and $1,000 USD respectively.

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