May 23, 2024
Updated on June 5, 2024
·Created on November 2, 2015
Akvo FLOW is a cloud hosted application designed as a field surveying tool for collecting, evaluating and displaying any quantity of geographically referenced data via an online dashboard.
Flow is available as an Android application and a web based platform. Enables users to map situations on the ground to improve monitoring and evaluation of infrastructure and services, and make informed investment decisions based on accurate, current data.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Public Sector Agencies, NGOs
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Epicollect5, Magpi, and Open Data Kit.
Manufacturing/Building Method
FLOW is a cloud hosted application, but the entire code base is published on GitHub.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Organizations interested in FLOW should use the Akvo contact page
Distributions to Date Status
More than 250 organizations, with over 4 million forms submitted, including national governments, multi-lateral aid agencies and NGOs are using FLOW to monitor water and sanitation points, health and education services, agricultural practices, food security within communities, wildlife populations and more.
Mobile service required
Mobile internet or WiFi if used in offline mode
Device(s) required
Android smart phone required for mobile application
Additional features required
Permanent network connectivity required
Type of applications for data collection
Smartphone or Web application
Level of mobile data coverage needed
Requires minimum 2G connection for app users to connect to platform to receive information , forms and others and transmit data to the servers
Type of data collected
Data is stored in the cloud application, but can be exported to many formats (JSON, CSV, etc.)
Usage rate (%)
Literacy support
Languages available
For the work space English, French, Spanish, Bahasa, Vietnamese and Portuguese are available
You can publish surveys in 181 languages
Operating system and version
Android 2.3 or higher
Power Requirements
Occasional power supply for end users and system administrators.
Application of mobile data collection
M&E, survey for project management, household surveys for Health, ag, financial inclusion, water, education, academic research survey, impact evaluation, market research, other
Design Specifications
The Akvo FLOW survey app enables users to conduct field surveys in any language using Android smartphones. It works in remote locations without cell phone coverage and the data uploads automatically to databases hosted in the cloud whenever network coverage resumes. As data is gathered via the FLOW app, it becomes instantly visible on the FLOW dashboard and survey maps. The online FLOW dashboard is multi-lingual and can be used to create and publish surveys and manage how they're distributed to smartphone users, generate and publish reports. Survey fields can prompt enumerators to gather different types of data including photos, videos, barcodes or audio clips.
Survey maps allow data visualizations to view, explore and share survey data.
Akvo FLOW runs on smart phones running Android 2.3 or higher. Additionally:
- Screen size should be 3.7 inch or larger. With smaller screens, it becomes difficult to use the app
- The device should have GPS, preferably including GLONASS support
- Storage size: the device should have at least 4Gb of free space available, either as internal storage, or as an external SD card
- Battery life should be at least 8-10 hours. External backup power is recommended, for example by using additional batteries or a solar charger
- A computer; a modern web browser; an internet connection and a spreadsheet application that supports .xls and .txt, such as Microsoft Excel 2007 or LibreOffice 4.0+.
Technical Support
Support for FLOW is included in the service and can be accessed online
Replacement Components
Akvo has had major dot releases every 1-2 years.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
- - Easy to publish, share and analyze information
- - Allows addition of new or updated information to each data point. So an asset can be tracked, new surveys added, and more.
- - Designed to work in remote areas lacking basic infrastructure. Phones can store hundreds of surveys and data can be collected in areas where there is no mobile connection – Akvo FLOW automatically transmits the data once a connection is detected
Vetted Performance Status
From the Akvo see it happen page as of September 2017:
Complementary Technical Systems
- - Statistical analysis tools (R, STATA, etc.)
- - External backup power is recommended for the mobile phone used for surveying, for example by using additional batteries or a solar charger
Academic Research and References
Fisher M, Mann B, Cronk R, Shields K, Klug T, Ramaswamy R. Evaluating Mobile Survey Tools (MSTs) for Field-Level Monitoring and Data Collection: Development of a Novel Evaluation Framework, and Application to MSTs for Rural Water and Sanitation Monitoring. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016;13(9):840.
Dickinson N, Bostoen K. Using ICT for monitoring rural water services : from data to action. IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. 2013;4.
Chemisto M, Rivett U. A Review of Sector Coordination and ICTs in Multi-Stakeholder Environs of Uganda’s Rural Water Sector. Proceedings of the 9th IDIA conference, IDIA2015. 2015 Nov.
Schouten T, Smits S, Butterworth J. From infrastructure to services: trends in monitoring sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing; 2015.
Adank M, Kumasi TC, Chimbar TL, Atengdem J, Agbemor BD, Dickinson N, Abbey E. The state of handpump water services in Ghana: findings from three districts. 37th WEDC International Conference. 2014.
Adank M, Butterworth J, Godfrey S, Abera M. Looking beyond headline indicators: water and sanitation services in small towns in Ethiopia. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 2016;6(3):435–446.
“Goal 6.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. Accessed June 5, 2024. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
“Goal 9.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. Accessed June 5, 2024. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal9
Akvo-Flow: A Data Collection and Monitoring Tool That Works Anywhere. n.d. Accessed June 5, 2024. https://github.com/akvo/akvo-flow
Bjelkeman-Pettersson, Thomas. 2013. “Open Data, Content and Software at Akvo.” Akvo Foundation. July 18, 2013. https://akvo.org/blog/open-data-content-and-software-at-akvo/
“Get in Touch.” 2019. Akvo Foundation. February 11, 2019. https://akvo.org/contact-us/get-in-touch/
“Capture Reliable Data.” 2018. Akvo Foundation. November 22, 2018. https://akvo.org/capture-reliable-data/#overview
“Key Features – Akvo Flow.” n.d. Akvoflow.Org. Accessed June 5, 2024. https://www.akvoflow.org/key-features/
“Capture Reliable Data.” 2018. Akvo Foundation. November 22, 2018. https://akvo.org/capture-reliable-data/
“Help and Support.” 2018. Akvo Foundation. March 22, 2018. https://akvo.org/help-and-support/
akvo. n.d. “Releases · Akvo/Akvo-Flow-Mobile.” GitHub. Accessed June 5, 2024. https://github.com/akvo/akvo-flow-mobile/releases
“Streamline Your PMEL Processes.” 2018. Akvo Foundation. December 18, 2018. https://akvo.org/streamline-your-pmel-processes/
“Our Partners.” 2018. Akvo Foundation. July 11, 2018. https://akvo.org/our-partners/
“Terms of Service.” 2018. Akvo Foundation. November 27, 2018. https://akvo.org/terms-of-service/
Compliance with regulations
AKVO is compliant with open data publishing licensing, privacy and sensitive data standards according to their General Terms and Conditions.
Evaluation methods
Field trials
Other Information
IRC report.
May 23, 2024
June 24, 2024
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Charity: water
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LoooP Creative Ltd
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