Updated on June 1, 2024


Created on September 28, 2019

Amp Impact

Website application that measures project impact and collects data.

Developed By Unknown
Content Partners


Product Description

Amp Impact is a website application that measures the impact of projects developed by non-profits, grant-makers, and impact investors. It tracks the outcomes, performance indicators, implementation, and cost-effectiveness of their portfolios over time and across geographies.

It is developed by Vera Solutions, a company located in London (UK), Amsterdam, Washington DC, Sao Paulo, Cape Town, Geneva, and Mumbai. It has been deployed in more than 30 countries.

Market Suggested Retail Price


Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

Manufacturing/Building Method


Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

Download directly from the manufacturer's website

Distributions to Date Status

The exact number is unknown, but the product has been used in 30+ countries

Internet service required


Device(s) required

Computer or hand-held device

Additional features required


Type of applications for data collection

Project management

Usage rate (%)


Type of data collected

Alphanumeric data (multidisciplinary)

Literacy support (if Yes (specify) / No)


Languages available (list)

English and Portuguese

API available?


Data import/export formats

.xls and .xlsx

Design Specifications

Streamline Portfolio Management: trade in spreadsheets for data management on Salesforce; manage global portfolio of projects, grants, programs, and investments; and track progress on relevant SDGs. Understand impact: measure the outcomes, performance and cost-effectiveness of grants, projects, programs, and investments over time; visualize and report performance to stakeholders using drag-and-drop report and dashboard tools; simplify Indicator Management; create custom indicators and/or use catalogs of standard indicators;  and align indicators with those defined by IATI, SDGs, IRIS, the impact Management Project, for data publishing. Analyze performance: track Indicator results against set targets to evaluate progress over time; visualize outcomes using built-in performance graphs; use Excel format files;  and monitor financials.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Provided by manufacturer

Replacement Components




Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

Develop technical and consulting skills and strengthen the social innovation sector's engagement with data using cloud and mobile technology.

Vetted Performance Status

In Aga Khan foundation project, results showed that the platform gave more than 80 indicators relevant to understanding their total reach, disaggregated by age group, sex, type of beneficiary, and more.



Complementary Technical Systems


Academic Research and References


Compliance with regulations

Other Information

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