December 21, 2023
AIDFI Ram Pump
Read SolutionImplemented by
AID Foundation Inc. (AIDFI)
Updated on December 22, 2023
·Created on August 27, 2015
The Blake Hydram Hydraulic Ram Pump is used to lift water that is flowing down without external power.
The Blake Hydram is a hydraulic ram pump manufactured by Allspeeds in the UK. The Blake Hydram uses the force of the water flowing down the “drive pipe” to lift water to a maximum height above the Hydram of 150 meters without any external source of power. The pump can operate continuously for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hydrams’ are available in a range of sizes from No.1 to No.8.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Household, Community
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Allspeeds UK.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Papa Pump, Oxwater Smart Handpump, iDE Treadle Pump, India Mark II Handpump, AIDFI Ram Pump, and iDE Rope Pump.
United Kingdom
Manufacturing/Building Method
Each Blake Hydram is made to order by Allspeeds, taking approximately 12 weeks to produce.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
The product can be ordered online or by contacting the customer service team at Allspeeds UK.
Distributions to Date Status
Pump type
Hydraulic ram pump
Power requirement (W)
Average flow rate (L/min at specific head)
11.5 L/min at 150 m (maximum supply head for model no.1) to 840.5 L/min at 105 m (maximum supply head for model no.8)
Maximum head (m)
150 m
Diameter (cm)
3.2 – 20 cm
Design Specifications
The Blake Hydram Ram Pump, at its optimum will pump 20% of the water that is available to it, to a maximum height of approximately 150 m. The product can operate 24/7 for many years. Operation requires a steady source of running water (drive water) at a minimum speed of 7 L/min for a minimum head of 1 m.
The performance of the Blake Hydram is determined by the supply head, delivery head and by the input flow. The table below specifies the output factor in L/day. For every L/min of water flowing into the Blake Hydram, the amount delivered will be this factor in lL/day. For example, for a fall of 6 m, a delivery head of 20 m and an input flow of 10 L/min, then the output flow will be 2820 L/day (282 x 10).
Blake Hydram is available in sizes No. 1- No.8. depending on the site requirements.
Technical Support
Blake Hydram servicing can be performed by the individuals who installed the system. Troubleshooting procedures and additional support is provided by Allspeeds.
Replacement Components
Replacement parts are available separately from Allspeeds and Green and Carter.
The product does not specify a design life. According to Allspeeds, some customers have had non-stop service from their hydram pump since the 1920’s and 30’s.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The manufacturer specifies the Blake Hydram, at optimal performance, will pump about 20% of the input water to a maximum height of approximately 150 m. Other performance targets include: no running costs, no fuel or electricity, no pollution, operates 24 hours a day all year.
Vetted Performance Status
Testing performed by the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research determined when the delivery head is lower than 50 m, the efficiency of the Blake Hydram ranges between 55% and 65%.
The use of heavy wall steel tube for the drive pipe is highly recommended. Upon completion of the installation the operator must ensure the pump is firmly bolted to its concrete base and the drive pipes have been laid out evenly.
Complementary Technical Systems
The Blake Hydram base, at a minimum a simple concrete slab <150 mm thick, provides a surface on which the hydram may be bolted and which absorbs the pulsations during operation. An enclosure for the Blake Hydram is also ideal as it protects the unit and prevents pollution.
Academic Research and References
Jeffery ,T.D., et al, 1992 Hydraulic Ram Pumps: A guide to ram pump water supply systems, Intermediate Technology Pubs, London.
Hussin, N. S. M., 2017, Design and analysis of hydraulic ram water pumping system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908, pp. 8.
Asvapoositkul, W., et al., 2019, Determination of hydraulic ram pump performance: experimental results, Advances in Civil Engineering, pp. 11.
Guo, X., et al, 2018, Optimal design and performance analysis of hydraulic ram pump system, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A Journal of Power and Energy, 232, pp. 841-855.
“Blake HYDRAM pumps: Water powered,” Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/our-brands/products-services/blake-hydram/
“Allspeeds Ltd: Rov Subsea Guillotines & Emergency cutters,” Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/
HYDRAM Servicing & Troubleshooting – Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/wp-content/files_mf/hydramservicing.pdf
“Aidfi Ram Pump,” Engineering For Change, https://www.engineeringforchange.org/solutions/product/hydraulic-ram-pump/
“Goal 6 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs,” United Nations, https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
“Goal 2 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs,” United Nations, https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal2
Water powered pumps – allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/wp-content/files_mf/hydrambooklet59.pdf
B. Digital, “Hydraulic ram pump: Operates 24 hours a day all year,” Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/hydraulic-ram-pump/
“Grace’s Guide to british industrial history,” John Blake – Graces Guide, https://www.gracesguide.co.uk/John_Blake
“Contact us: Have a question? we’re happy to help,” Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/contact/
“Blake Hydram – how it works,” YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJwprhkwYdQ
HYDRAM Servicing & Troubleshooting – Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/wp-content/files_mf/hydramtroubandtechadvice.pdf
B. Digital, “Hydraulic ram pump: Operates 24 hours a day all year,” Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/hydraulic-ram-pump/
HYDRAM Servicing & Troubleshooting – Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/wp-content/files_mf/standardhydramspares30.pdf
Prices of RAM water pump – known as hydraulic rams, HYDRAM, water powered pumps, Vulcan Ram, Blake Ram, Easton Ram and Vacher Ram, http://www.greenandcarter.com/main/product/prices.htm
Optimal design and performance analysis of hydraulic … – sage journals, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0957650918756761
“School of Engineering,” Development Technology Unit, https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/eng/research/grouplist/structural/dtu
Programme Solidarité Eau, https://www.pseau.org/outils/ouvrages/acf_gravity_fed_system_in_rural_areas_6_hydraulic_ram_pump_systems_2009.pdf
Allspeeds, https://www.allspeeds.co.uk/Allspeeds_ISO_Cert.pdf
Compliance with regulations
Allspeeds Ltd has been approved to ISO 9001: 2015 by Amtri Veritas Ltd.The Quality Management System applies to: Design, manufacture, assembly, supply, servicing and repair of mechanical, batter-powered and hydraulic products.
Evaluation methods
The manufacturer evaluates the product based on supply head, input capacity, the desired delivery head and the desired litres per day as evaluation criteria.
Other Information
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AID Foundation Inc. (AIDFI)
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