January 19, 2024
Charcoal Cooler
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Open Source
Updated on December 26, 2023
·Created on September 11, 2019
The CoolBot Walk-in Cooler is a large refrigeration unit with a standard air conditioner using a CoolBot controller to achieve low temperatures (0°C) to store fresh commodities.
The CoolBot Walk-in Cooler is a large storage room which has been transformed into a refrigeration room by equipment of CoolBot gadget and a standard air conditioner (AC). The CoolBot controller has been designed to trick the AC into operation at much lower temperature than indoor temperatures. The controller also tracks frost buildup on the coil and periodically stops the AC, allowing time for defrosting. The concept achieves low enough temperatures (0°C) allowing storage of perishable commodities.
Target SDGs
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Household, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
UC Davis Horticultural Innovations Lab, Feed The Future  and TEDxNairobi
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Cold Hubs and Solar Powered Cold Room.
Central America
Guatemala, Honduras
Manufacturing/Building Method
This product is mass produced in the US.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Users can obtain this product by making an order from the manufacturer or get it from humanitarian organizations.
Distributions to Date Status
Storage capacity (L)
Dependent on storage needs, varying from 6′ x 8′ x 8′ to 10′ x 14′ x 8′
Time to cool (hr)
Approximately 2 hours
Cooling retention (hr)
Temperature control
Minimum internal temperature (°C)
Materials of construction
Room’s insulation is made of at least 4″ of styrofoam in walls, ceiling and floor (minimum insulation value of R-24).
Protection from insect entry
Refrigeration cycle catalyst
Design Specifications
The CoolBot Walk-in Cooler is a well insulated room equipped with a CoolBot controller and a standard air conditioner (AC). The controller overrides the AC tricking it to give low temperature without ice forming on the AC coils, by automatically switching it (AC) on and off, allowing time for defrosting. The controller has control nobs with which one can set desired minimum temperature.
The size of the unit varies dependent on the user as shown below:
These figures are for a 38 °F (3.3 °C) room, opened no more than 4 times per hour.
Dimensions of the Walk-In Cooler | Size of Air Conditioner |
6' x 8' x 8' | 10,000 BTU |
8' x 8' x 8' | 12,000 BTU |
8' x 10' x 8' | 15,000 BTU |
8' x 12' x 8' | 18,000 BTU |
10' x 14' x 8' | 24,000 BTU |
Technical Support
Provided by the manufacturer
Replacement Components
Air conditioner and compressor
The product includes a 1 year warranty and has an expected lifetime of 5 years.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The designer specified performance targets include: low-cost, easy to install and operate.
Vetted Performance Status
Testing performed by CDH Energy Corp determined low temperature (0°C) and reduction in cost of building and operation by 40%.
There are no known safety hazards related to the use of this product.
Complementary Technical Systems
The system requires electricity to run.
Academic Research and References
Karithi, E.M, 2014, Evaluation of the efficacy of CoolBotTM Cold storage technology to preserve quality and extend shelf life of mango fruits, MSc. Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Compliance with regulations
The product is certified by Safety Standards and the Appliance and Equipment Standards Program in the US.
Other Information
January 19, 2024
Implemented by
Open Source
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Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
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September 18, 2024
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