November 22, 2023
Laerdal Upright Newborn Bag-Mask
Read SolutionImplemented by
Laerdal Global Health
envo® mask is a reusable respirator mask to protect against harmful particulates in industrial work environments and air pollution that can lead to serious health risks. This device is made with medical-grade materials, and its filters meet N95 standards and filter out at least 95% of airborne particulates. This product is manufactured and distributed by Sleepnet Corporation.
Target SDGs
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Public Sector Agencies, NGOs
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Sleepnet Corporation
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include BluMask.
Manufacturing/Building Method
This mask is manufactured by Sleepnet Corporation, which is located in Hampton, New Hampshire, USA.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
The product can be purchased online at the envo® mask Shop.
Distributions to Date Status
The exact number of distributions to date is unknown, but envo® mask is widely distributed worldwide, sending out 1600 to 2000 orders a day since it started in 2020.
Exhalation Valve Leakage (ml/min)
3.37 – 9.41
Exhalation Resistance (mm H20)
8.4 – 8.8
Inhalation Resistance (mm H20)
15.7 – 16.0
Filtration Efficiency (%)
97.44 – 99.08
Maximum Particle Penetration (%)
0.923 – 2.560
Corrected Initial Airflow Resistance (mm H2O)
18.0 – 21.5
Available size(s)
Standard size.
N95 Filters are available at online shop.
Indispensable equipment for function (Y / N)
No equipment required.
Maintenance or calibration required by user at time of use? (Y/N)
Material(s) used in product
Filter is made of non-woven fiber material. Facemask body and front grill are made of moldable polymers like ABS.
Power supply type: Continuous, Recharging only (V, time required, battery life), Other
Not required.
Design Specifications
envo® mask is intended to have a comfortable seal to minimize skin irritation, using vapor barriers around the nose to prevent the mask from fogging glasses. The electrostatic charged filters should allow long term storage, and be safe from damage produced by the constant action of taking the mask on and off. The one-way exhalation valve reduces temperature and moisture inside the mask. The mask chamber’s design and filter placement improve speech clarity. Headgear is designed to be easily taken on and off and allows the user to remove the mask without touching the mask or damaging filters. The product includes a storage case with replacement filters to protect the mask.
Technical Support
Technical support provided by the manufacturer.
Replacement Components
Filters and other accessories are available at the shop.
It is recommended to discard the filters after every use, as they are not suitable for multi-day activities. The mask’s lifecycle depends on the usage, as it can be washed and reassembled multiple times. envo® mask offers a 90-day warranty against manufacturing defects.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
envo® mask seeks to provide a comfortable N95 mask without compromising safety, reducing PPE expenditure and waste due to disposable masks. According to the manufacturer, typical use cases experience a 40-60% reduction in overall costs.
Vetted Performance Status
Product was approved by NIOSH in 2019, which implies that its inhalation and exhalation resistance has been evaluated in a laboratory, and it has been found to comply with all of the requirements of Title 42 CFR Part 84 for respiratory protective devices. Filters and valves were also tested by a laboratory to evaluate filtration efficacy and valve leakage respectively.
As the mask is reusable, it can be hand washed with mild soap, warm water, and a soft cloth to remove dirt and dust. Filters should be discarded after every use.
Complementary Technical Systems
Academic Research and References
Envo mask, “User Instructions“, 2021
The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL), “Model Envo Mask N95- NIOSHI approval“, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Compliance with regulations
envo® mask obtained CDC - NIOSH approval.
Evaluation methods
Tests were run by Nelson Laboratories, for inhalation and exhalation resistance.
Other Information
November 22, 2023
Implemented by
Laerdal Global Health
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