November 19, 2024
HoPE LVB Energy Efficient Stoves
Read SolutionImplemented by
Pathfinder International
Updated on August 22, 2024
·Created on September 19, 2018
Farmers Hope Company Ltd. is an agricultural organization that specializes in the development and production of organic farm inputs.
Farmers Hope Company Ltd. is an organization that specializes in producing low cost organic fertilizer which is rich in nutrients. Farmers Hope came up with a solution to produce low cost fertilizers which are made up of locally available ingredients such as poultry droppings and neem seeds.
Asaase Nofosuo is an organic fertilizer that is high in nutrients and helps to maintain the soil’s fertility by retaining moisture, reducing leaching, and maintaining the pH balance. It prevents the crop from most fungal diseases in the soil, enhancing soil microbial health and aeration.
Target SDGs
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 1: No Poverty
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Household, Community, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
This product is sold directly by the manufacturer.
West Africa
Manufacturing/Building Method
This product is mass produced in Farmers Hope's facility in Ghana, which has the capacity to produce 1.8 metric tons per day.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
The product can be purchased by contacting the manufacturer.
Distributions to Date Status
As of 2016, the company sold 60,000 bags of fertilizer.
Targeted crop
Cocoa, maize, tomatoes, and other crops grown in Ghana
Fertilizer type
Dose (kg/ha)
494.21 kg/ha
Application cycle (kg/ha)
Once per season
Design Specifications
Asaase Nofosuo fertilizer is comprised of locally available ingredients such as poultry droppings and neem seeds providing much-needed nutrients to nourish the soil. Farmers Hope selected the ingredients based on research that revealed seven raw materials that have high potency soil nutrients after decomposition in the soil that also help to prevent soil diseases such as nematodes and deter harmful pests from affecting plants. The product is available in 50 kg bags and works on all crops grown in Ghana. It is recommended to spread 200 kg of fertilizer per acre once per season.
Technical Support
Technical support is provided by the manufacturer.
Replacement Components
There are no replacement components necessary.
It is recommended to apply the fertilizer once per growing season.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The manufacturer specifies that the fertilizer absorbs moisture, restores soil pH balance, improves soil fertility, prevents most fungal diseases in soil, enhances microbial health and soil aeration, and increases the nutritional content of plants. The manufacturer also specifies that the fertilizer is environmentally friends and safe to use on all crops.
Vetted Performance Status
The fertilizer is tested and approved for use on cocoa by the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana. The manufacturer also claims their product is tested and approved by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture Republic of Ghana and the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate.
Fertilizers must be used according to package instructions. Potential hazards include chemical burns, skin and eye irritation, and death if ingested.
Complementary Technical Systems
Farmers Hope also manufactures liquid fertilizer and liquid pesticide.
Academic Research and References
2012, African Cocoa Initiative: An Assessment of the Agrochemical Input Delivery for Cocoa in Ghana, Feed the Future Publication.
Cofie, O., Rao, K. C., Fernando, S., Paul, J., 2014, Composting Experience in Developing Countries.
Compliance with regulations
The fertilizer is tested and approved for use on cocoa by the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana.
Other Information
Farmers Hope has received financial aid from USAID as well as from Acumen Fund West Africa of $40,000 and $700,000 to scale up their business.
Poultry droppings and neem seeds;
Joshua Tuliano, “Skin Problems Caused by Lawn Fertilizer,”
Mass production facility in Ghana
Competing organic fertilizer producers in Ghana include Safi Sana, Yari and many others
Farmers Hope liquid fertilizer and liquid pesticide.
Facebook page - product schematics showing composition, Concentration values are per 1000 grams of fertilizer used in testing.
November 19, 2024
Implemented by
Pathfinder International
February 29, 2024
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Wheelchair of Hope
June 9, 2024
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January 10, 2024
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January 10, 2024
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February 5, 2024
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John Deere
February 5, 2024
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Agro Vision
August 22, 2024
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Engoho Kuku Farmer
January 22, 2024
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Drylobag International
June 1, 2024
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Rainforest Alliance
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