January 1, 2024
TATA Swach Cristella Plus Water Purifier
Read SolutionImplemented by
TATA Swach
Updated on January 2, 2024
·Created on August 27, 2017
A handheld device that generates chlorine to disinfect drinking water.
Design by Aqua Research LLC, the H2gO Purifier is a handheld device that generates a volume-specific disinfectant using salt and electricity through an electrolytic process. The resulting solution is then added to water to be disinfected.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Aqua Research partners with Wisconsin Pharmacal Company to market and distribute their product to NGOs in the US.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include P&G Purifier of Water, WATA Products, Aquatab Tablets, and WaterGuard.
Manufacturing/Building Method
Mass produced in China
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
This product is ordered directly from the manufacturer. NGOs wishing to purchase bulk orders can qualify for a discounted price.
Distributions to Date Status
3,000 as of 2014
Description of the combined methods
Handheld device that generates a volume-specific disinfectant using salt and electricity through an electrolytic process
Manufacturer-specified water treatment rate (L/hr)
124,000 L
Bacteria reduction
6 log
Virus reduction
3 log
Heavy metals and/or arsenic reduction
Maximum recommended influent turbidity level (NTU)
Not applicable
Effluent turbidity levels (NTU)
Safe water storage capacity (L)
Manufacturer-specified lifetime volume (L)
124,000 L
brine solution
Design Specifications
The H2gO Purifier is charged via solar panel or USB connection and a brine solution is mixed with the addition of salt (each bottle of brine holds ten applications). The brine is poured into the device’s electrolytic cell chamber. A water volume is selected and the device is turned on. An electrolytic process generates the disinfectant in 15 seconds to 5 minutes (depending on the selected volume). Once complete, the solution is mixed with the water to be treated. Instructions require 30 minutes before consuming.
Technical Support
The product has a limited 2 year warranty and technical support is available from Aqua Research LLC.
Replacement Components
None available.
The H2gO makes enough disinfectant for 124,000 L of drinking water and has an estimated lifespan of 10 years.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The manufacturer aims to reduce bacteria, viruses, and protozoa with the chlorine generated by their product.
Vetted Performance Status
The WHO reported that the H2gO Purifier showed a log 6 reduction in bacteria and a log 3 reduction in viruses.
The manufacturer recommends a storage life of no more than 1.5 years in a sealed in container at room temperature to protect from moisture.
Complementary Technical Systems
Safe water storage.
Academic Research and References
WHO (2016), Results of Round 1 of the WHO International Scheme to Evaluate Household Water Treatment Technologies, (see page 31 for the H2gO Purifier).
“News,” Aquaresearch.com. Available: https://aquaresearch.com/posts/
“H2gO PRIME,” Aqua Research Store. Available: https://store.h2gopurifier.com/products/h2go-purifier-prime
“Goal 6,” Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
Manufacturing/building method(s), “Of the WHO international scheme to evaluate household water treatment technologies,” Who.int. Available: https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/204284/9789241509947_eng.pdf;jsessionid=B06F3754EBCA80F68F3DC789E1FB0867?sequence=1
“Aqua Research Store,” Aqua Research Store. Available: https://store.h2gopurifier.com/
“Non-Government Organization (NGO) Contact Form,” Aquaresearch.com. Available: https://aquaresearch.com/ngo-contact-form/
Chemical disinfection, “Of the WHO international scheme to evaluate household water treatment technologies,” Who.int. Available: https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/204284/9789241509947_eng.pdf?sequence=1
“Step 1. Make salt water,” Aquaresearch.com. Available: https://aquaresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/H2gO-GLOBAL-InstructionFOLDOUT-071414.pdf
“Contact Us,” Aquaresearch.com. Available: https://aquaresearch.com/contact-us/
Aquaresearch.com. Available: https://aquaresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/H2GO_GLOBAL_Developing-Nations_010815.pdf
“Why H2gO?,” Aquaresearch.com. Available: https://aquaresearch.com/why-h2go/
Compliance with regulations
This product claims to meet the requirements for the Center of Disease Control (CDC) Safe Water System. However, to meet disinfection of protozoa requirements, the solution must mix with water for 4 hours (instructions state 30 minutes).
Evaluation methods
The WHO evaluation of H2gO Purifier consisted of a review of existing data on the product’s performance against bacteria and viruses only. Results stated: “In general, the existing evidence suggests that disinfection by chlorine alone or mixed oxidants is ineffective against Cryptosporidium oocysts at concentrations that would be within taste and odor thresholds and contact times reasonably reflective of field use. Although some experimental data were submitted on the product’s performance against protozoan cysts including Cryptosporidium oocysts, they were based on high doses and long contact times (up to four hours). These data were therefore not considered in the review as in practice the recommended contact time is 30 min and achieving longer times would require considerable user education.”
Other Information
H2gO informational video
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