Updated on June 21, 2024


Created on August 28, 2017

Mobilized Construction

Mobilized Construction is a proprietary software platform that enables mobilization of people in communities to ma

Developed By Unknown
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Product Description

Mobilized Construction provides transportation professionals real-time road quality data to improve operations and planning to lower costs. Its software maps road conditions to GPS coordinates, creates repair schedules, deploys individuals to fix road hazards, and monitors road performance, all through a mobile phone.

Market Suggested Retail Price


Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Public Sector Agencies

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

Mobilized Construction

Manufacturing/Building Method

Software development.

Intellectural Property Type

Select Type

User Provision Model

The software is obtained directly from the manufacturer.

Distributions to Date Status


Telecommunication service required (Y/N)

Mobile internet

Communication protocol used


Permanent network connectivity required (Y[specify]/N)


Type of data collected

Geolocation, Sensor readings

Propietary hardware used (Y/N)


Sensors used (Y/N)

Accelerometer, GPS

Open source code (Y/N)

Other, Part of the software is open source

Open source data (Y/N/ Other)

They adhere to Open Contracting Data Standards

Operating system and version


Power requirements

Occasional power required by end user


Road quality monitoring, road maintenance management, transportation routes

Remote system diagnostics available (Y/N)


Design Specifications

Specifications :The software is used for road data collection and intelligence by use of a smartphone application. It also provides a project management software that enables creation and assignment of micro-contracts to local individuals for labor-based construction and maintenance. Road repairs are certified as complete by measuring road conditions again and wages are transferred to individuals via mobile payments like M-Pesa.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

One option involves letting the manufacturer take care of any issues arising through an on-ground project manager. The cheaper option involves training a local road engineer to manage the project and he/she handles the issues as they arise. A 24/7 helpline is also available for any software related problems. Interview with representative

Replacement Components



Unspecified. Roads built by mobilized construction typically last longer than conventional dirt roads because they are more climate resilient. The most detrimental factor to road deterioration is heavy rains. Mobilized Construction's climate proofing mechanism includes weather forecasts which enable messages to be sent out to road maintenance supervisors before the wet season, such that rather than rebuilding roads, personnel must focus on clearing ditches and drainage. In this way, roads takes less damage when the rain comes because the ditches are cleared of grass. Interview with representative

Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

The most popular Performance Indicator is "meters of road built per day” combined with “road quality improvement”. The also measures road improvement over time. This implies that a road maintenance team will be judged based on how good their road is 1 year after repairs, 2 years of repairs etc. The manufacturer claims to have "many price Key Performance Indicators that can be chosen and designed with the government or donor agency ."Interview with representative

Vetted Performance Status

During testing with Shanti Uganda and Luwero County in Uganda, it was found that; -1 km of roads costs approximately $1,200-$1,300 compared to $14,000-$16,000 (World Bank procurement costs) -Traffic increased by 4000% -Traffic time reduced by 50% -Boda (motorcycle taxi) fares decreased by 50%Interview with representative


Road construction materials can cause serious injury and protective equipment must be worn at all times.

Complementary Technical Systems


Academic Research and References



Compliance with regulations

Yes, the organisation is regulated directly by the procurement laws and and indirectly by the labor laws in the country. There isn't any particular certification required as the organisation is a software company running a SaaS(software as a service model) and only sub-contracts the work to locals. Mobilized construction does not operate in areas where the subcontracting system could conflict with legal regulations. Roads are assessed based on the International Road Roughness Index developed by the World Bank Interview with representative

Evaluation methods

Manufacturer uses a number of Key Performance Indicators such as meters of road built per day. Interview with representative and average speed on the road before and after construction.

Other Information


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