January 10, 2024
Oxfam Bucket
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Updated on January 18, 2024
·Created on August 27, 2015
Oxfam-DelAgua Single Incubator Kit is a portable water testing kit that includes six water quality tests.
DelAgua Single IncubatorĀ is a portable water testing system designed for testing fecal coliform, turbidity, free and total chlorine, pH, and temperature. A total of 200 tests can be performed with one kit. It was designed by Barry Lloyd, from the University of Surrey in collaboration with Oxfam. This product is specially used in places where there are no laboratory facilities.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Household, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Public Sector Agencies
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
This product is been implemented by several global NGOs and offered by several retailers worldwide.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Hach Drinking Water Test Kit, mWater Field Test Kit, and Compartment Bag Test (CBT) Kit.
Manufacturing/Building Method
This product is manufactured in Europe, assembled and quality controlled in the UK.Ā Interview with representative
Intellectural Property Type
Select Type
User Provision Model
This product can be purchased directly from DelAgua or depending on customer location, from an in-country distributor. DelAgua offers supported pricing for charities. Interview with representative
Distributions to Date Status
As of 2020, 60,000+ have been distributed in over 150 countries.
Test types included
Thermotolerant (fecal) coliform count (E. coli), turbidity test, free and total chlorine, temperature, and pH
Equipment included
Incubator, sampling equipment
Tests per kit
200 tests per kit
Detection range
Processing time for one sample (hr)
Additional materials required
Safety equipment
Power required (yes/no)
Complete kit weight (kg)
10 kg
Design Specifications
The 10 kg portable Oxfam-DelAgua Single Incubator Water Testing Kit is designed to carry out six (6) basic tests to measure the quality of drinking water ā microbiological quality, turbidity, free chlorine, total chlorine, pH, and temperature. The system achieves 44Ā°C in the incubator chamber for analysis of fecal coliforms. It is powered by an internal battery, sealed within the case housing, which can be recharged from mains or a car battery. The kit is capable of up to 5 incubation cycles between recharges making it completely independent for a full week of off-site surveying. The kit also includes several other components which can be found here.
Dimensions for the kit is 34.4 x 14.6 x 29.7cm.
Technical Support
DelAgua offers free training for anyone who purchases a DelAgua Kit. This is possible at their offices in Marlborough, Wiltshire. Interview with representative or via online videos.
Replacement Components
Replacement components are available from DelAgua, including a wide range of accessories and upgrades to increase the scope of customer water quality monitoring.Ā Interview with representative
10-15 years, but some have been known to work for more than 20 years.Ā Interview with representative
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
This kit was designed to carry out six basic tests to accurately measure the quality of drinking water ā microbiological quality, turbidity, free chlorine, total chlorine, pH, and temperature which permit both assessments of the safety of drinking water and monitors the efficiency of water treatment and purification processes. Results can be obtained on-site within 16 to 18 hours for Thermotolerant (fecal) Coliform.
Vetted Performance Status
The manufacturer vets the effectiveness and usefulness of Oxfam -Deluga Kit through the personal feedback of its customers around the world. DelAgua cites 8 Case Studies of on-field experiences with the Kit.
Complementary Technical Systems
A pressure cooker, portable sterilizer or access to an autoclave, methanol (approx 1ml per test), distilled water, 1L measuring cylinder or beaker, and clean cloths.
Academic Research and References
Adegbite, A.A., 2015, Comparative assessment of field methods for microbiological water quality testing emergencies.
Healing, T., Laboratories in emergencies.
Cavill, S., Technical inquiry practical experiences with field water quality.
DelAgua also cites a list of research and case studies on the use of this product.
āOur Customers – DelAgua,ā DelAgua -, 19-Mar-2021. Available: https://www.delagua.org/who-we-serve/
āDistributors Map – DelAgua,ā DelAgua -, 10-Feb-2021. Available: https://www.delagua.org/distributors-map/Ā
Goal 6. (n.d.). Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
āDelAgua Single Incubator,ā DelAgua -, 29-Apr-2021. Available: https://www.delagua.org/product/delagua-single-incubator/Ā
āWhat we do – DelAgua,ā DelAgua -, 06-Jan-2021. Available: https://www.delagua.org/what-we-do/
āLearning – DelAgua,ā DelAgua -, 06-Jan-2021. Available: https://www.delagua.org/learning/#library-anchor
āThe DelAgua kit components 1 DELAGUA PORTABLE WATER TESTING KIT,ā Delagua.org. Available: https://www.delagua.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/DelAgua-Manual-Revised-2020-V1.pdf
Compliance with regulations
While there are no applicable standards identified relative to this test kit. The kit delivers test results aligned to the requirements of the WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality ā 4th ed
Evaluation methods
Field trials
Other Information
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