December 22, 2023
Blake Hydram Hydraulic Ram Pump
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Updated on January 30, 2024
·Created on September 9, 2020
The Papa Pump is a durable and lightweight pump that delivers water over long distances and high elevations without fuel or electricity.
The Papa Pump is a modern ‘hydro ram’ based on the principles of a traditional ram pump, manufactured by Water Powered Technologies. The pump includes a redesigned and patented ‘Venturi Valve‘ that is manufactured using modern composite (plastic and glass) material, creating a pump that is non-corrosive, light, and durable.
This zero energy pump uses the power of natural flowing water from a spring, stream or river to deliver water without the need for fuel or electricity. It requires a supply flow and head of water to operate, to pump water over long distances and to higher elevations.
The Papa Pump is designed to operate 24/7 without fuel or attendance, requires little maintenance (inexpensive valves changed 2-3 years) and is less expensive compared to equivalent pumping systems.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Market Suggested Retail Price
Market Suggested Retail Price (Secondary Currency)
1500 GBP
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
The product is distributed by Water Powered Technologies. Organisations implementing the Papa Pump include Renewable World in Nepal and the Singing Gorillas Projects in Uganda.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Blake Hydram Hydraulic Ram Pump and AIDFI Ram Pump.
Manufacturing/Building Method
The Papa Pump is manufactured by Water Powered Technologies, in Cornwall, UK.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
The Papa Pump can be ordered online, or by contacting Water Powered Technologies Ltd agents or distributors.
Additional components and site surveying resources can be purchased from the manufacturers online store.
Distributions to Date Status
Although the exact number distributed to date is unknown, the Papa Pump has been implemented in over 26 countries.
Pump type
Hydraulic Ram Pump
Power requirement (W)
Average flow rate (L/min at specific head)
60 L/min at a supply head of 1-31 m
Maximum head (m)
150 m delivery head
Diameter (cm)
5 cm
Design Specifications
The principles of the Papa Pump technology are based on 300 year old ram pump technology. The flow of water through the system for delivery : how much water is supplied to the pump, the height of the supply head and the height of the delivery head
The performance of the Papa Pump can be determined in the training manual. The Papa pump is supplied with a delivery hose assembly, an 8 L pressure vessel, a 5.08 cm BSP lever ball valve, an exhaust insert, 2 Seradisc filters, a multi-purpose tool, a set of spare O-rings and valves and a comprehensive manual.
Pump body items: Latigloss ® - high-performance thermoplastics (approved potable water application verified by WRAS, NSF and ACS.)
Metal items: Stainless steel
Valve members/O-rings: EPDM
Exhaust insert: Polypropylene
Max Output (L/day): 20,000
Max operating pressure (bar): 10
Weight: 2 kg
Length x width x height: 30 x 18 x 16 cm
Inlet/outlet ports: 5.08 cm (2”) BSP (50 mm nb)
Delivery port: 2.54 cm (1”) BSP
WRAS approval: Cold water use up to 23o C
Technical Support
Water Powered Technologies specify the Papa Pump is simple and easy to install. The website provides detailed technical data, and training guides for installation and maintenance.
Replacement Components
Replacement components include: O-rings, Main valves, NR valves, and pressure relief valves. The only moving parts are rubber valves and these are the only components that need replacing every few years (2-3).
The Papa Pump is guaranteed for 5 years, with an option for a 10 year guarantee.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The designer specified performance targets include: durable, lightweight, requiring no fuel or electricity, operating without manual intervention 24/7 when at least 50 L/min of water is supplied through the pump, minimum of 70% of the water is depressurized and ejected and maximum of 30% is pressurized and delivered to high elevations or long distances.
Vetted Performance Status
Testing performance has been conducted by the manufacturer to determine water supply for variable supply and delivery heads, and to pressure test up to 50 bar. No third party testing has been completed.
The are no known safety issues associated with the product.
Complementary Technical Systems
The product can be implemented into off-grid micro energy generation. Multiple Papa Pumps can be installed in parallel in settings of large flow and higher water delivery requirements. The manufacturer also offers automatic flow regulation systems (SUREFLOW), additional filtration screens (Seradisc) and rainwater recovery technology as a water source (Hydromentum).
Academic Research and References
Inthachot, M., et al., 2015, Hydraulic ram pumps for irrigation in Northern Thailand, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 5, pp. 107-114.
Hussin, N. S. M., 2017, Design and analysis of hydraulic ram water pumping system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (012052), pp. 8.
Asvapoositkul, W., et al., 2019, Determination of hydraulic ram pump performance: experimental results, Advances in Civil Engineering, pp. 11.
“Water Powered Technologies -.” 2017. Water Powered Technologies -. May 9, 2017. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/
“Transforming Lives Through Clean Energy.” 2023. Renewable World. July 27, 2023. https://renewable-world.org/
“Singing Gorilla Projects.” n.d. Singinggorillap.Com. http://www.singinggorillap.com/
“Goal 6.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
“Goal 2.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal2
“Papa Pump – Water Powered Technologies.” 2021. Water Powered Technologies -. June 7, 2021. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/papa-pump/
“Water Powered Technologies -.” 2017. Water Powered Technologies -. May 9, 2017. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/
“Shop – Water Powered Technologies.” 2021. Water Powered Technologies -. October 28, 2021. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/shop-all/
“Pump Locations –.” n.d. Google My Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/d/viewer?mid=19evKDRnYOBoGL21srezVEl32Sl8&ll=54.911934389126365%2C-4.91031943219177&z=5
N.d. Waterpoweredtechnologies.Com. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Multi-Pump-Information-Sheet.pdf
INSTALLATION MANUAL. n.d. “The Pump That Uses No Fuel!” Waterpoweredtechnologies.Com. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/installer-manual-lr.pdf
Variable Filter Screen. n.d. “Seradis T M.” Waterpoweredtechnologies.Com. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/seradisc-spec-sheet-mar2016.pdf
“Glossary of Terms.” n.d. Waterpoweredtechnologies.Com. https://waterpoweredtechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/training_manual.pdf
Compliance with regulations
The product is verified by WRAS, NSF and ACS.
Evaluation methods
The manufacturer specifies water pressure up to 50 bar and 30% pressurised supply water for delivery.
The manufacturer evaluates the product based on supply head, input capacity, the desired delivery head and the desired litres per day as evaluation criteria.
Other Information
Inthachot, M., et al., 2015, Hydraulic ram pumps for irrigation in Northern Thailand, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 5, pp. 107-114.
Hussin, N. S. M., 2017, Design and analysis of hydraulic ram water pumping system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 908 (012052), pp. 8.
Asvapoositkul, W., et al., 2019, Determination of hydraulic ram pump performance: experimental results, Advances in Civil Engineering, pp. 11.
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