Updated on February 15, 2024


Created on September 26, 2019


Upcoming Update

PointCheck is a portable, fast, and non-invasive white cell monitoring device.

Developed By
  1. Leuko
Content Partners


Product Description

The device works on the principle of imaging the blood flow and counting the number of white blood cells. PointCheck™ is a non-invasive device which allows immunosuppressed patients to get their blood check done. The device will potentially help health clinics in having more frequent and rapid testing done. Currently this is an investigational device and it is not for sale.

Target SDGs

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Target Users (Target Impact Group)

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Public Sector Agencies

Distributors / Implementing Organizations

The company is supported by MIT Innovation Initiative, the MIT Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund, the Martin Trust Center for Entrepreneurship, the MIT Translational Fellows Program, and the MIT Venture Mentoring Service.

Manufacturing/Building Method

Leuko is working on developing prototypes and commercializing the technology with help from the MIT Innovation Initiative, the MIT Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund, the Martin Trust Center for Entrepreneurship, the MIT Translational Fellows Program, and the MIT Venture Mentoring Service.

Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

This product is in the prototype phase and is not available for distribution yet.

Distributions to Date Status




Detection sensitivity


Indispensable equipment for function (Y/N)


Maintenance or calibration required by user at time of use? (Y/N)


Number of Tests Performed


Power supply type: Continuous, Recharging only (V, time required, battery life), Other


Time required for procedure (minutes)


Design Specifications

The design of the device allows chemotherapy patients to prevent infections from needle-based tests. The device uses imaging technique which is non-invasive and thus quick check on white blood cell count can be done. The device is portable enough to be used in a clinic or home applications where the patient can have access to daily checks on their blood count. The device is enclosed in a plastic casing and is suitable for use in the home, clinic, or healthcare centers. PointCheck™ is able to determine if white cell levels are dangerously low by imaging the blood flowing through the capillaries in the finger. PointCheck does this without having to extract any blood

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Not yet available as product is in prototype stage

Replacement Components

The replaceable component includes the battery


2-5 years

Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

Accurately measure white blood cell levels.

Vetted Performance Status

The team showed that the device could accurately determine whether white blood cell levels were too low, in a study of 11 patients undergoing chemotherapy.


No known safety hazards are related to this product.

Complementary Technical Systems

A reliable power source is required for the device to function and read the blood flow.

Academic Research and References

Tajiri, J., Noguchi, S., Murakami, T. and Murakami, N., 1990, Antithyroid drug–induced agranulocytosis: the usefulness of routine white blood cell count monitoringArchives of internal medicine150(3), pp. 621-624.

Bates, M.F., Khander, A., Steigman, S.A., Tracy, T.F. and Luks, F.I., 2014, Use of white blood cell count and negative appendectomy ratePediatrics133(1), pp. e39-e44.

Van’t Oever, R., et al, 2003, “Optical method and apparatus for red blood cell differentiation on a cell-by-cell basis, and simultaneous analysis of white blood cell differentiation.“, U.S. Patent No. 6,630,990.

Pablo-Trinidad, A., Butterworth, I., Ledesma-Carbayo, M.J., Vettenburg, T., Sánchez-Ferro, Á., Soenksen, L., Durr, N.J., Barrutia, A.M., Cerrato, C., Humala, K. and Urdiol, M.F., 2019. “Automated detection of neutropenia using noninvasive video microscopy of superficial capillaries. American journal of hematology94(8), p.E219.

Bourquard, A., Pablo-Trinidad, A., Butterworth, I., Sánchez-Ferro, Á., Cerrato, C., Humala, K., Urdiola, M.F., Del Rio, C., Valles, B., Tucker-Schwartz, J.M. and Lee, E.S., 2018. “Non-invasive detection of severe neutropenia in chemotherapy patients by optical imaging of nailfold microcirculation. Scientific reports8(1), pp.1-12.


Trafton, Anne. “Monitor detects dangerously low white blood cell levels“, MIT News, 2018


Compliance with regulations

None yet as product is in prototype stage

Evaluation methods

The product was tested for its accuracy in detecting low white blood cell levels.

Other Information


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