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Updated on August 14, 2024
·Created on July 29, 2017
The SaTo Pan is a toilet pan that mechanically and hydraulically seals pit latrines.
The SaTo panĀ is a toilet pan that uses a mechanical and water seals to close off pit latrines form open air. This reduces disease transmission from flying insects that come into contact with human waste. It also eliminates the unsightly appearance and odors from open pit latrines and reduces theĀ volume of waterĀ needed to flush.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
RFLĀ produce the product and distribute it to retailers in Bangladesh.Ā CrestanksĀ produce and sell the product in Uganda.Ā KentainersĀ sell it in Kenya.Ā American StandardĀ developed the SaTo pan and donated many SaTo pans during theirĀ Flush for good-campaign.Ā iDE, that developed the SaTo pan together with American Standard has distributed it a lot in Bangladesh for example.Ā WateraidĀ has implemented the product in Nepal.Ā BRACĀ also assisted American Standard in the development and distribution of the SaTo pan.Ā Save the children,Ā Food for the Poor,Ā Plumbers Without BordersĀ andĀ UNHCRĀ are other implementers.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include AquaSanTec WonderLoo, Easy Latrine, and Elephant Toilet.
Africa, Central Asia, East Asia, North Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia
Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
Manufacturing/Building Method
Mass produced. Manufacturing can and is done in target regions. At the moment there areĀ factoriesĀ in Uganda (Crestanks), Bangladesh (rflplastics), Kenya (Kentainers), India and Nigeria.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Donations or direct sales from distributers. American Standard has had aĀ BOGO offerĀ for customers that when they buy a toilet, American standard donates a SaTo pan. American Standard donated around one million SaTo pans during theirĀ Flush for good-campaign.
Distributions to Date Status
As of mid-2016,Ā over 1 millionĀ SaTo units have been installed in over 14 countries, for example Bangladesh, Uganda, Haiti, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria and the Philippines. Of these, some 500,000 SATO toilets were donated to nongovernmental organizations for installation in homes and schools in Bangladesh, and another 300,000 have been sold in Bangladesh for $2 USD each.
Toilet type
Evacuation method
Pour flush
Storage conditions
Capacity (L)
Time until emptying
Design Specifications
The SaTo pan is made ofĀ low linear density polyethyleneĀ and installed over a pit latrine, normally in a cement slab. ItsĀ dimensionsĀ are height 190.5mm, length 500mm, width 40.5mm and the base has a diameter of 63.7mm. The pan has a door(where the excreta gathers) that opens when the user pours water on it so that the excreta falls into the pit. The door then closes automatically. There are variations of the pan depending on context, the Uganda versionĀ needs less waterĀ for example. In another version the userĀ pulls a cable to open the sealer.
Technical Support
Technical support can be done by the user him/herself due to the simplicity of the product. There are instruction manuals on how toĀ build a toilet with the pan and how to install it on a pit latrine.
Replacement Components
N/A; the product comes in a one piece.
Should last at least until the pit latrine it is connected to is full. If the pan is attached to a movable slab the pan can be moved with the slab to the new pit.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
TheĀ designersĀ made the SaTo pan to reduce disease transmission by preventing insects to come in contact with the human waste. It reduces odours and only needs very little water to flush. The designers used Human Centered Design when developing the product and hence important targets was that the pan was affordable, adapted to the squatting norm and easy to install and use.
Vetted Performance Status
Excreta can be flushed down with as little as 200mL of water Brochure fromĀ manufacturer.Ā The product also reducesĀ odor. It closes quickly and automatically to block smell and stop flies from entering/exiting the pit. BrochureĀ fromĀ manufacturer
The product prevents insect from coming in contact with excreta and hence disease spread is reduced.
Complementary Technical Systems
The SaTo pan is normally attached to a cement slab placed over an open pit latrine. In a new version specially made for aĀ twin pit latrineĀ it is connected to tubes that leads the excreta to the pits.
Academic Research and References
LIXIL, 2016, Tackling Challenges in Global Sanitation and Hygiene.Ā
SuSanA Forum, 2017, Updates about SaTo pan development and marketing – affordable, aspirational latrine products.Ā
SuSanA Forum, 2017, New SATO Connection System for Twin-Pit Pour Flush Latrines.Ā
Compliance with regulations
Evaluation methods
The designers used HCD (Human Centered Design) to develop the product. They cite affordability, user friendliness and culture adaptation as important factors in the iterative prototyping process. They analyzed computational fluid dynamics to ensure good water flow.
Other Information
Reports about the making, distribution and use of the SaTo pan: 1.Fostering disruptive design innovations in sanitation marketing in Bangladesh 2.Disruptive design in sanitation marketing- lessons from product and process innovations in Bangladesh 3.Sanitation in Bangladesh: Revolution, Evolution, and New Challenges
A video from implementation in Bangladesh is foundĀ here.
An installation video from Nepal is foundĀ here.
A video showing some of the testings is foundĀ here.
American Standard received theĀ Patent for Humanity award for the SaTo pan in 2014.
A website with information of all different versions of the SaTo pan isĀ under development.
In September 2017 a version for aĀ two-pit pour-flush latrineĀ will be introduced in India,Ā see video.
June 22, 2024
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January 3, 2024
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January 2, 2024
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Archimedes Project
August 13, 2024
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December 20, 2023
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December 27, 2023
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Practica Foundation
January 10, 2024
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December 12, 2023
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Envirogard Products Ltd
January 3, 2024
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January 11, 2024
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I am working in the WASH sector and I want to promote the sue of SatoPan in rural areas in Burkina Faso. How can I get the SatoPan in my country