Updated on December 29, 2023


Created on September 27, 2019

Sawyer Point ZeroTwo Water Purifier

Sawyer PointZero Two Water Purifier is a system with a 0.02 micron portable membrane filter for treating and purifying water from solids and microbial contamination.

Developed By
  1. Sawyer
Tested By
  • Hydreion Labs
Content Partners

Product Description

The Sawyer Point ZeroTwo Water Purifier has a 0.02 micron hollow fiber membrane that can be adapted to a large container(bucket) or to a faucet. It can treat lake, stream, river, well, borehole, tap, or rain water, at a rate of 1 liter per minute by gravity, filtering up to 300 liters a day and removing 99.997% of viruses, 99.99999% of bacteria, 99.9999% of protozoa/cysts, and 100% of microplastics. It was designed and is distributed worldwide by Sawyer as an emergency preparedness kit for disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes, but also adventure travel where potable tap and bottled water are not easily carried or safe to drink.

Target SDGs

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Market Suggested Retail Price


Target Users (Target Impact Group)


Distributors / Implementing Organizations

This product distributed is by Sawyer product official retailers in the USA such as Amazon and Walmart. It is also offered online at E-bay, highwaterfilters, h2ofilters and JIC readiness supply. Sawyer has partnered with 30 charities around the world with the goal of bringing clean water to people and children in need in countries such as Brazil, Chile, Rwanda, Guatemala, Ghana, Haiti, Indonesia, Japan, and Pakistan.




United States

Manufacturing/Building Method

Sawyer Products, Inc. is a US based company founded in 1984 with assembly facilities in Haiti, Rwanda, Ghana and Guatemala to service NGO’s and relief agencies.

Intellectural Property Type


User Provision Model

Users can purchase this product from sawyer official product retailers in the USA like Amazon and Walmart, or from other online websites such as E-bay, highwaterfilters, h2ofilters and JIC readiness supply.

People in need of humanitarian aid can obtain the system from the different NGO’s and relief agencies Sawyer partners with around the world.

Distributions to Date Status

Millions of Sawyer brand filters have been shipped in the U.S. retail market and in more than 70 countries throughout the world for disaster relief and home use in developing nations.

Target use case


Manufacturer-specified flow rate (L/hr)

60 L/hr

Bacteria reduction

7 (99.99999% of bacteria)

Type of membrane filtration


Virus reduction

Log 5.5 (99.997% of viruses)

Protozoa reduction

6 (99.9999% of protozoa/cysts)

Heavy metals and/or arsenic reduction


Maximum recommended influent turbidity level (NTU)


Effluent turbidity levels (NTU)


Material of construction

Filter is composed of hollow fibers and the housing material is made from food grade ABS plastic

Safe water storage capacity (L)

Depends on the complementary container used to capture filtered water

Manufacturer-specified lifetime volume (L)

Rated for one million gallons


Design Specifications

This filter is comprised of a large number of tiny “U” shaped hollow fiber micro-tubes with 0.02 micron absolute- size pores that trap contaminants as small as viruses, allowing the decontaminated water to pass freely. The product weights around 0,340 – 0,513 Kg and has dimensions: 149 x 184 x 184 mm.

The Sawyer Point ZeroTwo Bucket Purification System kit includes: a Sawyer Point ZeroTWO™ 0.02 Micron Absolute Inline Water Purifier, a Hole cutter, Adapter, Hose, Filter Cleaner, Filter Hanger, and a Detailed instruction book.

To set up the Point ZeroTwo Water Purifier, a large container to fill with water (such as a standard 5-gallon polyethylene bucket, not included) must be used. The included drill bit must be used to cut a hole 1.5 inches from the bottom of the container. The adapters must then be installed onto the bucket, and the hose connected and snapped it into the Point ZeroTwo filter. To start the flow, the filter head must be lowered below the bottom of the bucket, and raised above the bucket to stop the flow. When not in use, the filter can be hung onto the side of the bucket with the included hanger.

Product Schematics

Technical Support

Users are expected to maintain the product on their own, given that this product does not require any replacement components nor technical support to function or maintain. However if users require it, they can access Sawyer’s FAQs page or contact the manufacturer for questions or comments at customer@sawyer.com.

Replacement Components

No replacement filters or cartridges are necessary.


Manufacture claims the Sawyer Point ZeroTwo Water Purifier can last decades and can filter up to one million liters of water. This product includes a Lifetime Warranty against any manufacturing defects.

Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters

The Sawyer Point ZeroTwo Bucket Purification System was designed to remove 99.997% of viruses in addition to 99.99999% of bacteria, 99.9999% of protozoa/cysts, and 100% of microplastics. This includes effectively removing harmful bacteria (like salmonella), protozoa, or cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae, and Salmonella typhi. Designer specified performance targets include: powerful, lightweight, small, portable, easy-to-use, reliable, inexpensive, require no pumping, chemicals, or electricity and lasting a lifetime without needing to be replaced.

Vetted Performance Status

Testing performed by Hydreion Labs determined that the filter exceeds the requirements of the EPA Standards for removal of viruses by reducing the virus concentration by > 5.5 log units (Standard requires a minimum reduction of 4 log units).



Complementary Technical Systems

A container, such as a standard 5-gallon polyethylene bucket (not included in the kit) is required to fill with untreated water. A container to gather the filtered water is also required.

Academic Research and References

Backer, Howard, 2019, Chapter 5 – Water Disinfection for International Travelers, Elsevier pp. 31-41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-54696-6.00005-7

“International Bucket System,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/products/international-bucket-system

Sawyer, “The Prepared: Review: Sawyer Point ZeroTwo Bucket Purification System,” Sawyer, 19-May-2022. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/blog/the-prepared-review-sawyer-point-zerotwo-bucket-purification-system-2

“Other Camping & Hiking Water Bottles & Hydration Equipment,” eBay. Available: https://www.ebay.com/b/Other-Camping-Hiking-Water-Bottles-Hydration-Equipment/181410/bn_16564311

H. Filters, “Sawyer Products,” Highwater Filters. Available: https://www.highwaterfilters.com/collections/sawyer-water-filters-and-purifiers

“Water Filters, Water Treatment systems, Water Distillers,” H2oFilters. Available: http://www.h2ofilters.com/index.html

“JIC Readines Supply – Home Page,” Jicreadiness.com. Available: https://www.jicreadiness.com/

“Sawyer Products,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://sawyer.com/

“Goal 6,” Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6

R. Ashley, “Water filter,” D750737:S1, 01-Mar-2016.

“Sawyer Products,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/international

“Lifetime Warranty,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/lifetime-warranty

“Water Filtration FAQs,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/faq-categories/water-filtration

Jicreadiness.com. Available: https://www.jicreadiness.com/assets/images/14%20%20Sawyer-Filter-Technology.pdf

Jicreadiness.com. Available: https://www.jicreadiness.com/assets/images/14%20%20Point-Zero-Two-Filter-Lab-Results.pdf

“U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” US EPA. Available: https://www.epa.gov/home


Compliance with regulations

This product exceeds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NSF recommendations by removing 99.997% of viruses, 99.99999% of bacteria, and 99.9999% of protozoa/cysts.

All Sawyer filters have been tested by independent and qualified research laboratories according to U.S. EPA standards for water filters, and meet or exceed EPA standards.

Evaluation methods

This product is tested for removal of virus, bacteria, protozoa/cysts and microplastics by independent and qualified research laboratories according to U.S. EPA standards for water filters.

Other Information

Watch the Sawyer Bucket Filter Assembly and Maintenance Instructions video



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