December 29, 2023
Sawyer PointOne Filter
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Updated on December 29, 2023
·Created on September 27, 2019
The Sawyer POINTOne 10” Filter is a hollow fiber membrane filter attachable to indoor plumbing to produce clean water for homes, schools, hospitals, office buildings, amongst others.
Sawyer POINTOne 10” Filter has a 0.1 micron hollow fiber membrane designed and produced by sawyer to adapt to indoor or outdoor plumbing at homes, schools, hospitals, office buildings, etc. and to produce up to 5,000 gallons (10,000 liters per day and up to 200,000 liters per day) of clean water. It removes sediment, bacteria, protozoa, cysts, and other contaminants.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Household, Community, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
This product is currently distributed by Sawyer Colombia, Distribuidora Hudson, Sri Medha Technologies and Indiamart. It has been used in a refugee center in Avedji, Togo, in homes in the rural areas of Medellín, Colombia, and in an elementary school in Antigua, Guatemala.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Grifaid Community Filter, WateROAM ROAMfilter Plus, and LifeStraw Community.
Manufacturing/Building Method
This product is made in the USA by Sawyer which is a US-based company that has assembly facilities in a number of other countries.
Intellectural Property Type
Trade Secret
User Provision Model
This product can be purchased online or by contacting various different distributors: Sawyer Colombia, Distribuidora Hudson, Sri Medha Technologies and Indiamart.
Distributions to Date Status
Target use case
Household and community use
Manufacturer-specified flow rate (L/hr)
Bacteria reduction
7 (99.99999%) bacteria
Type of membrane filtration
Virus reduction
The Sawyer 0.1 micron fiber membrane does not remove viruses
Protozoa reduction
6 ( 99.9999%) protozoa and cysts
Heavy metals and/or arsenic reduction
Maximum recommended influent turbidity level (NTU)
Effluent turbidity levels (NTU)
Material of construction
The filter is composed of hollow fibers. Pipes can be made of PVC, copper or brass depending on model.
Safe water storage capacity (L)
Manufacturer-specified lifetime volume (L)
Up to 200,000 liters per day for at least 10 years
Design Specifications
This Sawyer POINTOne 10” Filter is comprised of hollow fiber micro-tubes with 0.1 micron size pores that do not allow harmful Bacteria, Protozoa, E. Coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella Typhi, through, allowing the decontaminated water to pass freely through the walls of the fiber tubes. The unit can be used with household or commercial building pressure (30-60psi) as well as with very low pressures and gravity feed applications. The system is available pre-plumbed with brass, copper or PVC back-washing system which includes a regulator that allows to safe cleaning of the filter.
The kit includes, a Sawyer POINTOne 10” Filter (SP201) which weights 3.6 Kgs., a case for the filter, a pressure regulator, a 1/2? x 1/4? bronze bushing/hub, a 1/4?bronze nozzle, and assembly and back wash instructions.
Technical Support
Provided by manufacturer.
Replacement Components
No replacement filters or cartridges are necessary for the Sawyer POINTOne 10” Filter.
Manufacturer claims the 10” filter unit can last more than 10 years if the product is well maintained with regular backwashes depending on the quality of the water. This product includes a manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty against any manufacturing defects.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The Sawyer POINTOne 10” Filter was designed to clean water volumes for homes, schools, hospitals, office buildings, or any larger structures and to eliminate all harmful bacteria by log 7 (99.99999%) and protozoa and cysts by 6 log ( 99.9999%) with its 0,1 absolute micron pore size fiber tubes, exceeding EPA standards. Designer specified performance targets for Sawyer’s Hollow Fiber Membrane filters include: powerful, lightweight, small, portable, easy-to-use, reliable, inexpensive, require no pumping, chemicals, or electricity and can last a lifetime without needing to be replaced.
Vetted Performance Status
Sawyer filters and purifiers have been tested by independent and qualified research laboratories according to EPA standards for water filter and purifiers.
Complementary Technical Systems
Depending on the model and kit purchased, materials to install the filter to indoor or outdoor plumbing systems might be required.
Academic Research and References
SAWYER COLOMBIA. Available: https://www.sawyer.com.co/sp201.html.
“Sawyer PointONE 10? Filter Kit Pre-Plumbed with PVC Back-Wash,” Distribuidora Hudson, 18-Oct-2016. Available: https://disthudson.com/water-filters/sawyer-pointone-pre-plumbed-with-pvc-back-wash/
“Sawyer PointONE 10? Filter Unit and Regulator,” Distribuidora Hudson, 18-Oct-2016. [Online]. https://disthudson.com/water-filters/sawyer-pointone-regulator/
“Sawyer Pointone 10 Filter Unit And Regulator (sp201),” indiamart.com.Available: https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/sawyer-pointone-10-filter-unit-and-regulator-sp201-20095628991.html
“Sawyer PointONE 10? Filter Unit and Regulator,” Distribuidora Hudson, 18-Oct-2016. Available: https://disthudson.com/water-filters/sawyer-pointone-regulator/
“Goal 6,” Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
Durabio.com. Available: http://www.durabio.com/pe/media/Sawyer
Jicreadiness.com. Available: https://www.jicreadiness.com/assets/images/14%20%20Sawyer-Filter-Technology.pdf
“Water Filtration,” Sawyer.com. Available: https://www.sawyer.com/product-categories/water-filtration
Compliance with regulations
This Filtration System Exceeds EPA Standards for the removal of Bacteria, Protozoa, and Cysts.
Evaluation methods
As all Sawyer filters and purifiers, the POINTOne 10? filter have been tested by independent and qualified research laboratories for bacteria, protozoa and cysts removal.
Other Information
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