December 31, 2023
Berkeley-Darfur Stove V.14
Read SolutionImplemented by
Potential Energy
Updated on December 27, 2023
·Created on November 29, 2018
SmartHome Stove is a charcoal/briquette burning improved cookstove with a ceramic inner lining and galvanized metallic housing.
SmartHome Stove is a single-pot improved charcoal cookstove with a clay inner lining and galvanized metal cladding designed with efficient airflow. The product isĀ distributed by UpEnergy GroupĀ and manufactured by Green Bio Energy.
Target SDGs
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
UpEnergy Group Inc.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Kenyan Domestic Ceramic Jiko Stove, EcoZoom Jet, and Burn Jikokoa.
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uganda
Manufacturing/Building Method
The SmartHome Stove is manufactured by Green Bio Energy and sold under UpEnergy's SmartHome brand. Green Bio Energy'sĀ Briketi Eco-Stove is made with locally available materials and manufactured by a locally trained workforce in Uganda. During the manufacturing process each worker specializes in one specific task, such as cutting the metal or assembling the parts of the stove.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Green Bio Energy is a socially-oriented business based in Kampala and works with an Integrated Management and Manufacturing Model named PAMOJA which means 'together' in Swahili. Through this model, independent companies manufacture and sell the Briketi Eco-Stove. Currently Green Bio Energy has two production factories and each one is registered under its own label, Clean Cooking Solutions based in Mukono and Cash Savings Solution based in Mbale. UpEnergy Group is a distribution company that sells Green Bio Energy's Briketi Eco-Stove under their SmartHome Brand.
Users can obtain the product from any of UpEnergy Group's six regional hubs in Uganda, through local retailers, savings and credit cooperatives, or their NGO and MFI (Finn Fund,Ā kiva, Global Hearthworks Foundation and others) partners.
Distributions to Date Status
Exact number unknown, however Green Bio Energy as of December 2016 had sold 47,101 Briketi Eco-Stoves. Currently 75% of Green Bio Energy's annual sales volume are UpEnergy Group orders.
Fuel type
Charcoal, briquettes
Chimney (yes/no)
Forced or passive
Pot type
Flat or round bottom
Pot capacity (L)
10 L
Thermal efficiency (%)
PM emissions (g/MJ delivered to pot)
0.02 – 6.3 g/MJ
CO emissions (g/MJ delivered to pot)
0.11 – 21.93 g/MJ
Time to boil (min/L)
30 min per 10 L
Design Specifications
The SmartHome Stove is an Improved Cook Stove (ICS) and its design is composed of a clay inner lining and a galvanized metal housing. The stove's housing is equipped with lateral airflows to benefit the combustion process, and has a combustion chamber door to prevent heat loss.
Technical Support
UpEnergy offers customer education at the point of sale, as a way to ensure a correct usage of the product and strengthen its social and environmental benefits. Technical support may also be provided by SmartHome's Stove manufacturer, Green Bio Energy. Green Bio Energy offers 1 year warranty and carries out repairs on request.
Replacement Components
2 years, plus its free one-year warranty.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
Manufacturers specify a thermal efficiency of 40%, improved airflow, long lasting durability, low-cost, improved safety and better insulation as their performance targets.
Vetted Performance Status
UN Clean Development Mechanism conducted the approved baseline and monitoring methodology AMS II G, which monitored important parameters:
The safety concerns associated with the usage of charcoal burning cookstoves are primarily related with carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide emissions. To address this issue, Green Bio Energy constantly works to improved the stove's airflow system.
Another significant safety concern is domestic accidents such as accidental burning or spill-overs, for which Green Bio Energy works to increase the isolation and stability of their cookstove technology.
Complementary Technical Systems
Academic Research and References
Lascurain, J., Jagoe, K. and van Tilborg, C., 2015,Ā Willingness to pay and consumer acceptance assessment for clean cooking in Uganda, Washington (DC):Ā World Bank. Report No: 100900.
UpEnergy Group Inc. n.d. On the Ground Distribution. Upenergygroup.com. UpEnergy Group Inc.
Uganda – UpEnergy. n.d. 03fa95c.netsolhost.com. UpEnergy Group Inc.
Investing. n.d. Finnfund.
New Field Partner: UpEnergy Puts Clean Energy within Reach of Ugandaās Rural Poor. n.d. Kiva.
Clean Cooking Alliance – Clean Cooking Catalog: Results Report – SmartHome Stove. n.d. www.catalag.cleancookstoves.org. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
Products and Services. n.d. Green Bio Energy.
International Standards Organization (ISO). n.d.Ā ISOās International Workshop Agreements.
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. 2013.Ā Interim Reporting Requirements for IWA Tiers of Performance. cleancooking.org. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
International Standards Organization (ISO). n.d.Ā Home. iso.org. ISO.
CDM: Up Energy Improved Cookstove Programme, Uganda. 2011. cdm.unfccc.int. CDM.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 2022. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Methodology Booklet.Ā cdm.unfccc.int. UNFCCC.
AMS-II.G.: Energy Efficiency Measures in Thermal Applications of Non-Renewable Biomass — Version 9.0. n.d. cdm.unfccc.int. CDM.
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves . 2014.Ā The Water Boiling Test (Version 4.2.3): Cookstoves Emissions and Efficiency in a Controlled Laboratory Setting. www.1library.net. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
Compliance with regulations
Evaluation methods
Baseline and monitoring methodology AMS-II.G āEnergy efficiency measures in thermal editions of non-renewable biomass,ā version 05.
Water Boiling Test 4.2.3.
Other Information
UpEnergy Group offers other technologies such as solar lights and water purification devices. Additionally, SmartHome Stove's manufacturer Green Bio Energy also produces biomass briquettes under their Briketi.
December 31, 2023
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Potential Energy
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Helps International
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December 28, 2024
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