December 16, 2024
MPOWERD Luci Original
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Updated on January 5, 2024
·Created on August 18, 2016
The SOLARKIOSK E-HUBB is an integrated solar array, battery, power electronics and appliances that is built into a mobile and secure storefront
The SOLARKIOSK E-HUBB is an integrated solar array, battery, power electronics and appliances that is built into a mobile and secure storefront. The E-HUBB can be modified to serve the purpose of the end-user including communication hubs, health clinics or refugee situations.
The SOLARKIOSK was designed by Graft Labs and co-founded by Lars Kruckeberg and Wolfram Putz.
SOLARKIOSK is located in Berlin, Germany with additional operations across Sub-Saharan Africa.
Target SDGs
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include SolarTurtle Kiosk, SunZilla Solar Generator 3.0, and IEEE Smart Village SunBlazer IV.
Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania
Manufacturing/Building Method
Made to order
Intellectural Property Type
Trade Secret
User Provision Model
Direct from manufacturer
Distributions to Date Status
As of June 2017, 200 kiosks have been distributed, including 50 throughout Kenya and 50 in Rwanda.
Power rating (W or kW)
1 – 4 kW power rating with one installation of 7 kW
Battery type
Battery capacity (mAh)
Grid compatibility (yes/no)
Description of mobility
Design Specifications
Specifications - 1-4 kWp of PV - kiosk frame and wall panels that an be local manufactured using a variety of materials, such as steel, aluminum, and brick, among others. - The Canopy Expansion also allows users to increase the power generation capacity
Technical Support
Replacement Components
Additional components can be added to the SOLARKIOSK to allow for variety of functionality.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
Total power capacity of 1-4 kW
Vetted Performance Status
Be sure to follow proper electrical installation and control guidelines.
Complementary Technical Systems
SOLARKIOSK has partnered with SES Techcom Services to provide internet via satellite signal to E-HUBBs.
Academic Research and References
Breyer C., Resch M., Schnorr F., 2013, Local and Global Simulation of Solarkiosks, 3rd Symposium Small PV-Applications
Resch M., Wolff M., Wiik C., Breyer C., 2012, Demand Side and Battery Management in Solarkiosks— Simulation and Operating Experience, 7th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES)
Hamilton J., 2015, The EKOCENTER: A Case Study in Coca-Cola, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Bluewashing, University of Minnesota
Ritola M., Annala M., Hulkkonen S., Cleantech Takes Over Consumer Markets. DEMOS HELSINKI.
Dembczyk A. and Zaoral J., 2014, Stakeholder Engagement in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Umeå School of Business and Economics
Krieger, J., 2015, SES and Solarkiosk to bring internet to villages worldwide, Broadband TV news
GNA, 2016, SolarKiosk launches 7Kw Solar System in Accra, GhanaWeb
Compliance with regulations
Evaluation methods
Smart metering helps determine how much power certain components use at what time of day and how they can be connected most efficiently.
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