February 13, 2024
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Updated on January 24, 2024
·Created on September 2, 2021
Splash stations are child-friendly handwashing and drinking stations that provide safe, clean water
The Splash handwashing and drinking stations are stations built to provide safe, clean water to children in schools and low-resource institutions. The triangular handwashing stations are orange, while the drinking stations are blue for easy differentiation. They are distributed by a subsidiary of Splash International, known as Splash Social Enterprises.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
This product is distributed by Splash Social Enterprises (SSE).
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Envirosan EazyWash 2L Handwashing Unit and TippyTap.
Africa, Asia
Manufacturing/Building Method
This product is mass produced in India and China.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
This product is distributed by Splash Social Entreprises (SSE), who sell stations to governments, non-profits, and multilateral organizations. The handwashing and drinking stations are expected to be available for purchase around the world.
Distributions to Date Status
As of 2021, 3000 handwashing and drinking stations have been distributed across Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Kolkata, India Interview with manufacturer
Description of the combined methods
Mesh strainer, Membrane filter, Carbon filter
Manufacturer-specified water treatment rate (L/hr)
1800 L/hr
Bacteria reduction
6 log
Virus reduction
Protozoa reduction
Heavy metals and/or arsenic reduction
Maximum recommended influent turbidity level (NTU)
11 NTU
Effluent turbidity levels (NTU)
< 0.5 NTU
Safe water storage capacity (L)
Manufacturer-specified lifetime volume (L)
Design Specifications
The handwashing and drinking stations are designed to be triangular to allow children to see one another and interact while washing their hands side by side. To differentiate the stations, the drinking stations are blue and the handwashing stations are orange. The orange handwashing stations have shallow basins to discourage accidental drinking of the non-potable water, while the blue drinking stations have deeper basins to allow filling of water bottles up to 1.5 liters. The drinking stations also include a water fountain on the right side for children who may not have water bottles. The water is filtered using the Antunes water filtration system.
Technical Support
The stations are equipped with a basic spare parts kit and instructional materials for installation, operation and maintenance. Splash Social Enterprise provides customized technical support as needed. Interview with manufacturer
Replacement Components
The carbon filter for the Antunes water filtration system is to be replaced annually, and the ultrafilter is to be replaced once every three years.
The product includes a one year warranty.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
Designer specific performance targets include: durable, child-appropriate, and low maintenance.
Vetted Performance Status
The Antunes water filtration system is tested and certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for turbidity, cyst, and particulate class one reduction.
The Antunes water filtration system should be protected from drying out due to direct sunlight, high temperatures, abrupt temperature changes, and abrasive materials.
Complementary Technical Systems
A bypass kit allows water to be supplied while maintenance is being performed.
Academic Research and References
“Splash,” Splash.org. Available: https://splash.org/our-work
“Splash,” Splash.org. Available: https://splash.org/social-enterprises
Goal 6. (n.d.). Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
Splash.org. Available: https://splash.org/assets/docs/2019-Splash-Social-Enterprises-Annual-Report.pdf
N. Ellington et al., “Hand washing station,” D892283:S1, 04-Aug-2020. https://patents.google.com/patent/USD892283S1
“Splash,” Artefact. Available: https://www.artefactgroup.com/case-studies/splash/
“Whole House Treatment System, Model VZN-521H,” Antunes Water. Available: https://www.antuneswater.com/collections/vzn/products/vzn-521h?variant=31991956373619
The product includes a one year warranty. Available: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0270/7098/8403/files/Limited_Warranty_and_Limitation_of_Liability_c4972f91-3d03-487b-ac54-908d3ca4ae29.pdf?v=1600967109
NSF, “The Public Health and Safety Organization,” Nsf.org, 05-Feb-2020. Available: https://www.nsf.org/
Owner’s Manual, “Residential Water Filtration,” Shopify.com. Available: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0270/7098/8403/files/Owner_s_Manual_-_VZN_Models_-_521H_521HC_541H_541HC_541V_541VC.pdf?v=1599122179
“Bypass Kit, VZN-521/541,” Antunes Water. Available: https://www.antuneswater.com/products/bypass-kit-vzn-521-541?variant=39264810762355
“Splash,” Splash.org. Available: https://splash.org/our-work/water
Compliance with regulations
This product meets all WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality and is tested and certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to meet Standard 42 and 53 for turbidity, cyst, and particulate class one reduction.
Evaluation methods
The product has been evaluated for turbidity, cyst, and particulate class one reduction by the National Sanitation Foundation.
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