January 5, 2024
TATA Swach Smart
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TATA Swach
Updated on January 1, 2024
·Created on August 27, 2015
A low-cost water purifier for households in India.
The TATA Swach Cristella Plus is a household water purifier which uses the Silver Nano-Technology to remove bacteria and viruses from 1 L at a time.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
TATA Chemicals Ltd, Essmart
Manufacturing/Building Method
Mass produced
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Online retail and via local distributors throughout India. Claim to have 30,000 consumers in 36 markets.
Distributions to Date Status
30,000 units are said to be have been distributed/sold (As of 2012)
Target use case
Household use
Manufacturer-specified flow rate (L/hr)
3-4 L/hr
Bacteria reduction
4 log
Type of membrane filtration
Virus reduction
Protozoa reduction
Heavy metals and/or arsenic reduction
Maximum recommended influent turbidity level (NTU)
Effluent turbidity levels (NTU)
Removes 95% turbidity
Material of construction
Food grade, non-toxic plastic. TATA Swach bulb purification media is comprised of activated silica coated with silver nanoparticles
Safe water storage capacity (L)
9 L
Manufacturer-specified lifetime volume (L)
3000 L
Design Specifications
The TATA Swach filter is comprised of two parts. The upper portion contains reservoir where the untreated water enters and the lower portion has the TATA Swach Bulb to which the cartridge can be attached. The TATA Swach bulb is densely compacted with processed rice husk ash impregnated with activated silica coated with silver nanoparticles. Another reservoir is placed at the lower end, which collects the filtered water. The system is gravity fed and does not require electricity or constant flow of water. The upper chamber can be easily cleaned. Depending on the quality of water, about 3000 litres can be filtered after which the cartridge can be replaced. Once purifying capacity is exhausted the Swach bulb fuses and prevents water from passing. Both the upper and lower storage containers have a maximum capacity of 9 litres each. The flow rate of the filter is 3-4 litres per hour.
Technical Support
According to the manual, technical support is available by phone 1-800-258-5858 and online. Minimal training required. TATA also provides a manual for operations and maintenance.
Replacement Components
The Bulb must be replaced at the end of its life and may be purchased online. The following components are available at local retailers: Top Mesh, Top Container, Bottom Container, Tap, Adapter, Bottom Mesh.
3,000 L. No warranty or disposal information given.
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
Purifies 3-4 L/hr, but could be slower/faster depending on quality of input water. The Tata Swach bulb has a capacity to purify up to 3000 litres of drinking water. The TATA Swach bulb meets the LRV norms as per USEPA guidelines, log 4 reduction in bacteria and virus. The product has been tested at laboratories at a temperature of 25+/- 2 deg cel, in moderate humidity conditions. Ideally put normal drinking water such as municipal water or drinkable water from wells and borewells into the device to enjoy the best performance of TATA Swach.
Vetted Performance Status
The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India conducted comparative testing (CT) of 10 popular brands of non-electric storage water purifiers in India in 2014 which included the TATA Swatch. Some key tests were conducted as per the guidelines based on relevant Bureau of Indian Standards. According to their findings the TATA Swatch was unable to reduce E. coli up to 100 per cent when tested at different intervals. It was able to reduce MS2 virus between 90- 99.99%. The Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation (CITE) at MIT evaluated household water filters available on the market in Ahmedabad, India in summer 2014. Their testing indicated that the TATA Swach Cristella Plus was unable to remove higher than 95% turbidity throughout the lifetime of the filter. Full findings are available in this report.
Complementary Technical Systems
Safe water storage containers
Academic Research and References
He, D., et al., Synthesis and Characterization of Antibacterial Silver Nanoparticle-Impregnated Rice Husks and Rice Husk Ash, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (10), pp 5276–5284.
“Cristella Advance,” TATA CHEMICALS LIMITED. Available: https://tataswach.com/products/cristella-advance
“TATA Swach Cristella Advance+ Gravity Water Purifier, 18L (9+9), Blue?: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen,” Amazon.in. Available: https://www.amazon.in/Swach-Cristella-Advance-Water-Purifier/dp/B07D3R62MH
“Goal 6,” Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
“Tata uses nano technology for water purifier,” Cseindia.org. Available: https://www.cseindia.org/tata-uses-nano-technology-for-water-purifier-852
“Tata Swach Water Purifier,” TATA CHEMICALS LIMITED. Available: https://tataswach.com/
“MIT D-Lab,” Mit.edu. Available: https://d-lab.mit.edu/research/mit-d-lab-cite
Compliance with regulations
In India there are no standard for water filters. TATA Chemicals claims that the TATA Swach Bulb complies with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards. Specifically, US EPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs or primary standards). However documentation to this effect has not been publicly disclosed.The Bureau of Indian Standards has laid down specifications for ceramic water filter candles for drinking water via IS: 7402 – 1986 (amended from time to time). These filters remove suspended matters and bacteria but are not expected to filter dissolved solids or chemicals. Note that interpretation of results is based on IS: 10500 specification for drinking water.
Evaluation methods
The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India conducted comparative testing (CT) of 10 popular brands of non-electric storage water purifiers in India in 2014 which included the Tata Swatch. Some key tests were conducted as per the guidelines based on relevant Bureau of Indian Standards. CITE at MIT employed a variety of methods to collect data for the water filter evaluation including lab and field tests of the water filter performance; surveys of water filter retailers and households in Ahmedabad; and semi structured interviews with original equipment manufacturers and distributors in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar.
Other Information
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TATA Swach
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