January 24, 2024
Gift of Water filter
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Gift of Water
Updated on June 7, 2024
·Created on September 13, 2019
Tricefy is a cloud based system that allows healthcare experts to manage ultrasound images.
Tricefy is a DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine), a cloud based system used to share ultrasound images. The main functions of the software are messaging and image management used to help diagnose the health of a patient’s pregnancy.
Tricefy transfers images to Trice imaging severs at a remote data center over the open internet. The Tricefy uplink appears as a DICOM server on the local network and stores the DICOM data locally, then forwards all data to the Tricefy Service.
The product is developed and commercialized by Trice Imaging, Inc.
Target SDGs
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Household, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Public Sector Agencies
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
Trice Imaging, Inc.
Africa, Australia-New Zealand Region, Europe, North America
Manufacturing/Building Method
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
Direct from manufacturer
Distributions to Date Status
Tricefy has clinical users in 106 countries across 6 continents.
Telecommunication service required
Mobile telecommunication network
Level of connection service needed
Wifi router connection (at least 2G)
Additional features required
Device(s) required
Ultrasound system used to acquire and share data, a smart-phone or computer with internet access
Permanent network connectivity required (Y/N)
Users with a smart-phone will need occasional network connectivity to download the data but not to consult it. Web server requires permanent network connection.
Two way communication (Y/N)
Usage rate (%)
Literacy support (Y/N)
Languages available
English, Swedish, and German
Operating system and version
The software is compatible with any ultrasound machine on the market and iOS (iPhone)
Power requirements
Occasional power supply required
eHealth application
The application helps healthcare experts share information to get the proper diagnosis of a patient
Design Specifications
The software allows healthcare personnel to share ultrasound images. The ultrasound machines generate the data, which are then sent by the cloud. The main advantage is that the medical staff can share information in order to get a proper diagnosis.
Tricefy provides a hardware device, which first encrypts then forwards DICOM transfers securely to Tricefy servers.
Tricefy includes a web interface where users can log in to export imaging studies, change settings for messaging, incorporate branding and perform other administrative tasks as well as view statistics and usage information.
The main characteristics of the service include:
Technical Support
Trice offers multiple support tools, including:
- The Help Center guide
- Telephone: +1-858-397-5216
- E-mail: support@triceimaging.com
Replacement Components
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
Allowing healthcare workers to exchange ultrasound information more easily.
Vetted Performance Status
In the Mobile Ultrasound project, for 4 weeks medical professionals visited three small villages in rural Morocco. Medical staff performanced 575 ultrasound on expecting mothers and sent the results to be interpreted in 3 larger cities. The results include:
Complementary Technical Systems
Available updates
Academic Research and References
Bryczkowski, C., J. and Byrne, M.W., 2017, Workflow and Middleware, Ultrasound Program Management, pp. 281–299.
“Medical Imaging Company.” 2014. Trice Imaging. August 13, 2014. https://triceimaging.com/company/
Lavi, Shlomi. n.d. “Tricefy Software Pricing Plans Vs. Alternatives – Why 2.6/10? (Jun 2024).” ITQlick. Accessed June 7, 2024. https://www.itqlick.com/tricefy-software/pricing
“Competitive landscape – Universal Imaging Inc. – Imaging Equipment and Education.” 2024. Universal Imaging Inc. January 10, 2024. https://www.universalimaginginc.com/
“Goal 3.” n.d. Sdgs.Un.Org. Accessed June 7, 2024. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal3
Al, Westin et. n.d. “( ) United States Patent.” Googleapis.Com. Accessed June 7, 2024. https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/4c/9c/96/c120f79e78755c/US9881127.pdf
Westin, Martin, Johanna Wollert Melin, Asa Sjoblom Nordgren, John Axel Eriksson, and Audree Thurman. 2017. Systeme und verfahren zur verschlüsselung, umwandlung und interaktion mit medizinischen bildern. 3207480:A2. European Patent, filed October 15, 2015, and issued August 23, 2017. https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3207480A2/de
“Secure Cloud Medical Imaging.” 2014. Trice Imaging. August 13, 2014. https://triceimaging.com/product/
“Trice Imaging Expands into Asia to Improve Clinical Outcomes and Patient Communication.” 2018. Trice Imaging. October 21, 2018. https://triceimaging.com/pressrelease/trice-imaging-expands-into-asia-to-improve-clinical-outcomes-and-patient-communication/
“About Tricefy & Release Notes.” n.d. Tricefy.Help. Accessed June 7, 2024. https://www.tricefy.help/help/about
“MOBILE ULTRASOUND PROJECT: MOROCCO.” 2017. Trice Imaging. June 1, 2017. https://triceimaging.com/project/mobile-ultrasound-project-morocco/
“Upgrade to Latest Bahmni Release – Bahmni Wiki – Confluence.” n.d. Atlassian.Net. Accessed June 7, 2024. https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/103350284/Upgrade+to+Latest+Bahmni+Release
“General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) FAQ.” n.d. Tricefy.Help. Accessed June 7, 2024. https://www.tricefy.help/help/gdpr
“GDPR «.” 2018. Trice Imaging. August 21, 2018. https://triceimaging.com/compliance/
N.d. Triceimaging.Com. Accessed June 7, 2024. https://triceimaging.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/User-Manual-Tricefy-3.6.pdf
Compliance with regulations
-General data protection regulation (GDPR)
-Different policies depending on the country. Consult here
-HIPPA (Health insurance portability and accountability act)
-CE marking
Evaluation methods
The product was evaluated for speed of diagnosis and cost relative to similar existing methods.
Other Information
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