January 20, 2024
EnGo Tower
Read SolutionImplemented by
EnGo Planet
Updated on January 26, 2024
·Created on August 30, 2020
The Warka Water Tower is a vertical system designed to collect and harvest potable water from the air.
The Warka Water Tower is a water harvesting system designed by Atruio Vittori & Andreas Vogler. The system’s design allows for fog, humidity, and precipitation to collect on surfaces, supplying up to 100L/day. The product is built at the site of implementation.
Target SDGs
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Market Suggested Retail Price
Target Users (Target Impact Group)
Distributors / Implementing Organizations
The product is distributed by Warka Water and it is still in the testing phase. It will be available for purchase and distribution by humanitarian organizations.
Competitive Landscape
Direct competitors include Aqualonis CloudFisher.
Cameroon, Ethiopia, Haiti, Togo
Manufacturing/Building Method
Warka Water Towers are assembled in-country from local and imported materials. Warka Water does not mass produce products and products are produced on a case-by-case basis, generally with communities.
Intellectural Property Type
User Provision Model
The product is distributed by Warka Water and it is still in the testing phase. It will be available for purchase and distribution by humanitarian organizations.
Distributions to Date Status
Since 2015, 9 Warka towers have been built and implemented in Togo, Cameroon, Haiti, and Ethiopia.
Design Specifications
Designs for this product are tailored to community needs. The typical model of the Warka Water Tower has the following dimensions:
Height 10 m – Footprint 4.2 m
Surface Area: Mesh 80m2, Collector 43m2, Canopy 87 m2
Materials for construction include bamboo, polyester mesh, polyester cable, hemp rope.
Design specifications vary dependent on the needs of the community.
Technical Support
Provided by manufacturer.
Replacement Components
Products used in construction include bamboo, polyester mesh, polyester cable, and hemp rope. These materials will need to be replaced with weathering.
6-10 years
Manufacturer Specified Performance Parameters
The Warka Water Tower was designed to be able to harvest 100 L/day. The designer specifies this solution should be community-run and owned, and easily integrated into the community.
Vetted Performance Status
Testing performed by University of Rijeka, determined that the Warka Water Tower was able to collect every type of usable precipitation to maximize water collected.
No known safety hazards are related to this product.
Complementary Technical Systems
The Warka Tower can have a number of add-ons such as WSolar, Warka Garden, and Warka Sanitation.
Academic Research and References
Salehi, A., et al., 2015, A review on the water-energy nexus for drinking water production from humid air, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 120, pp 109-127
Fenyvesi, K., et al., 2016. Modelling Environmental Problem-Solving Through STEAM Activities : 4Dframe’s Warka Water Workshop. Proceedings of Bridges 2016 : Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture. Bridges Finland, pp. 601-608.
Lee, S.M., et. al., 2018, The Future of Innovation: Living Innovation. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 113-132.
Goal 6. (n.d.). Sdgs.un.org. Available: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal6
“FAQ – Warka Water,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/faq/
“TOGO,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/togo/
“CAMEROON,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/cameroon/
“HAITI,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/haiti/
“ETHIOPIA,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/ethiopia/
K. M. I. Designboom, “warka water towers collect clean drinking water from the ‘lakes in the air,’” designboom | architecture & design magazine, 17-Feb-2019. Available: https://www.designboom.com/architecture/warka-water-tower-bamboo-sustainable-clean-drinking-water-air-02-15-2019/
“Warka Water – Every Drop Counts,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/
M. Jardas, D. Gluji?, G. Vukeli?, M. ?ana?ija, and V. Travaš, Irb.hr. Available: https://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/958546.MFC_2018_book_of_abstracts.pdf
A. Chavan, M. Dodiya, and S. Davate, “Sustainable water harvesting technique by condensation of water through atmosphere in an optimized approach for future cities in India,”. Available: https://www.engineeringforchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/UMumbai_WWT.pdf
“WARKA SOLAR,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/warkasolar/
“WARKA GARDEN,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/warkagarden/
“WARKA SANITATION,” Warkawater.org. Available: https://warkawater.org/warkasanitation/
Compliance with regulations
Evaluation methods
The product has been evaluated for harvesting capacity of 5 L/hr in ideal conditions.
Other Information
The design for the Warka Tower comes from inspiration of the "Warka" tree. This is a tree native to Ethiopia and is an important community meeting point.
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Hello, Will this be suitable in Pakistan? Once the flooding recedes we have to rebuild many villages